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Bachofen would have us believe that the mother-right of the ancient world, was due to a revolt of women against the degraded condition of promiscuity, which previously had been universal among mankind, a condition in which men had a community of wives, and openly lived together like gregarious animals. Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. xxiv. and p. 10.

It may be taken for granted that the myths did not refer to special persons and occurrences, but only tell us of the social customs and ideas which prevailed, or were endeavouring to prevail, in several communities.” Das Mutterrecht, Intro., pp. vii.-viii. This is true. It is the interpretation given to many of these myths that one is compelled to question.

Fifty-three years ago in his great work, Das Mutterrecht, the Swiss writer, Bachofen, drew the attention of the world to the fact that a system of kinship through mothers only prevailed among many primitive peoples, while survivals of the custom could be widely, if but faintly, traced among civilised races.

It is time now to turn to the actual subject of this investigation, in order to see how far the theory of mother-right has been helped by the lengthy examination of the patriarchal group. Since the publication of Das Mutterrecht much has been written that has tended to raise doubts as to the soundness of the matriarchal theory, at least in the form held by its early supporters.

To disengage from his learned book, Das Mutterrecht, his theory of the origin of the Matriarchate is no easy task. There is, for one thing, such bewildering contradiction and confusion in the material used. Then the interpretation of the mythical tales, so freely intermingled everywhere, is often strained prompted by a poetic imagination which snatches at every kind of allegory.

Mythical tradition appears to be the faithful interpretation of the progress of the law of life, at a time when the foundations of the historical development of the ancient world were laid; it reveals the original mode of thought, and we may accept this direct revelation as true from our complete confidence in this source of history.” Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. vii.

As a rival to the man the Amazon became hostile to him, and began to withdraw from marriage and from motherhood. This set limits to the rule of women, and provoked the punishment of heaven and men.” Das Mutterrecht, p. 85. There is a splendid imaginative appeal in this remarkable passage. Again the italics are mine.

Each elevation and depression of human life has its origin in a movement which begins in this supreme department.” Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. xiii. The authority for this belief is sought in religious myths.

Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht, Stuttgart, 1861; Lewis H. Morgan, Ancient Society, or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization, New York, 1877; J.F. MacLennan, Studies in Ancient History, 1st series, new edition, 1886; 2nd series, 1896; L. Fison and A.W. Howitt, Kamilaroi and Kurnai, Melbourne.

Das Mutterrecht, p. 20, quoted by Starcke, op. cit., pp. 126-127. Wilken, Das Matriarchat bei den alten Arabern, p. 26. These facts throw a strong light on the bond between the father and the child, which was a legal bond, not dependent, as it is with us, upon blood relationship. Fatherhood really arose out of the ownership of purchase.