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Trigger hummed and hawed, and shook his head, and put his hands into his trousers pockets; and in his heart of hearts he despised Sir Thomas. On that day Sir Thomas was taken to see four gentlemen of note in Percycross, a mustard-maker, a paper-maker, and two bootmakers. The mustard-maker was very cordial in offering his support. He would do anything for the cause. Trigger knew him.

The men were all right at his mills. Then Sir Thomas said a word. He was a great foe to intimidation; he wouldn't for worlds have the men coerced. The mustard-maker laughed cheerily. "We know what all that comes to at Percycross; don't we, Trigger? We shall all go straight from this place; shan't we, Trigger? And he needn't ask any questions; need he, Trigger?"

Up they were shown, Messrs. Spiveycomb, Spicer, Pile, Roodylands, the bootmaker who has not yet been named, Pabsby, and seven or eight others. Sir Thomas shook hands with them all. He observed that Mr. Trigger was especially cordial in his treatment of Spicer, the mustard-maker, as to whose defection he had been so fearful in consequence of certain power which Mr.

Spicer the mustard-maker, and whose allowance for expenses would not admit of his sleeping away from home a second night. Ontario departed, promising to be ready with his answer by 2 P.M. on the following day. How bright with jewels was the crown now held before his eyes, and yet how unapproachable, how far beyond his grasp!