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The Op. 5, is now constantly heard in concert rooms, played by the greatest artists of our time. In disposition Hannes was kindly and sincere; as a youth merry and gay. A friend in Düsseldorf, where he now spent four weeks, thus describes him: "He was a most unusual looking young musician, hardly more than a boy, in his short summer coat, with his high-pitched voice and long fair hair.

Forty black horses, keeping step; forty trumpeters, keeping unison; this procession, headed by a mere musician, who none the less was a poet, a great man, crossed the field of Louisburg as it lay dotted with the heaps of slain, and dotted also with the groups of those who sought their slain; crossed that field of woe, meeting only hatred and despair, yet leaving behind only tears and grief.

But the northern races who excel in the art of the musician seem to be inferior to the southern in the arts of the painter and of the sculptor, more particularly in the latter. The supreme sculptors are apparently two or three: Phidias and Michelangelo, beyond all question, and with them probably we ought also to place Donatello. Of Praxiteles we know too little.

"You who have been among those favored artists to visit the land of the free. Did you have to play in a tent, and were you literally showered with gold?" "Both," she laughed. "It is a land of many surprises." "I have heard es ist alles 'the almighty dollar'," said a musician from Berlin, one of the gay company. "Exaggeration, mein Herr!" she retorted, with a wave of the hand.

You shall have the roasted bird, but take this grain too; a barley-porridge is the best medicine for Barbara's condition; I've tried it!" When evening came, and the musician had told his parents the joyful news, he ordered the blue dove with the white breast to be caught. "Kill it outside the house," said he, "I can't bear to see it." Andreas soon came back with the beheaded pigeon.

Tartini, even while absorbed in music, did not neglect the study of science and mathematics, of which he was passionately fond, and in the pursuit of which he might have made a name not less than his reputation as a musician.

"Yes, I am very fond of music, modern music," he said, leaning against the mantelpiece. "Are you a musician by profession?" "Not exactly...nearly." Andrews thrust his hands into the bottoms of his trouser pockets and looked from one to the other with a certain defiance. "I suppose you've played in some orchestra? How is it you are not in the regimental band?" "No, except the Pierian."

Her half-brother Murray, a very able man, and the other Protestant nobles, had been opposed to the match. She allowed herself an innocent, but unseemly, intimacy with an Italian musician, Rizzio. With the connivance of her husband, he was dragged out of her supper-room at Holyrood, and brutally murdered by Ruthven and other conspirators.

Liszt, as so often, has also in connection with this aspect of the composer Chopin some excellent remarks to offer. He neither applied himself nor exerted himself to write Polish music; it is possible that he would have been astonished to hear himself called a Polish musician. Did not Chopin himself say to Hiller that he wished to be to his countrymen what Uhland was to the Germans?

Now, we may understand harmony to arise from the intervals of sounds, whose various compositions occasion many harmonies; but I do not see how a disposition of members, and the figure of a body without a soul, can occasion harmony. He had better, learned as he is, leave these speculations to his master Aristotle, and follow his own trade as a musician.