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In spite of all the complaints about him, which were carried to the abbot, the latter thought him a misguided, but good and promising boy, an opinion strengthened by the music-teacher and the artist Lukas, whose best pupil Ulrich was; but they also were enraged against the Jew, who had lured this nobly-gifted child along the road of destruction; and often urged the abbot, who was anything but a zealot, to subject him to an examination by torture.

"When I got in Basil's fire was out, and he was perished with cold," Ethel said coldly; "and as I had to go to Miss... Miss " "Call it G," put in the music-teacher, with a comical twist of her mouth. " for brandy, she came over and lit the fire for me." "I couldn't help not knowing the time," Doris murmured in a low, grumbling voice, and went away to take her hat off.

But the tragedy for the poor old music-teacher grew even more melancholy in its termination; for one day, as he was sitting disconsolately under a currant-bush in the garden, practising his poor old notes in a quiet way, THUMP came a great blow of a hoe, which nearly broke his back. "Hallo! what ugly beast have we got here?" said Tom Noakes, the gardener's boy. "Here, here, Wasp, my boy."

My brief experience of boarding school occurred at this time, and I well remember writing "The Old Arm Chair" in a penny account book, in the schoolroom of Cresswell Lodge, and that I was both surprised and offended at the laughter of the kindly music-teacher who, coming into the room to summon a pupil, and seeing me gravely occupied, enquired what I was doing, and was intensely amused at my stolid method of composition, plodding on undisturbed by the voices and occupations of the older girls around me.

A music-teacher on the floor below did not care for them they disturbed his class. He was furious, in fact, and assailed the boys roughly at first, with no result but to make matters worse. Then he tried gentleness, and succeeded. The boys stopped their capers and joined his class. Sam, especially, became a distinguished member of that body.

You must not be down-hearted about it. Who is she? Tell me about her." "She's the sister of my great friend, Hermann Falbe," he said, "who teaches me music." This time the gladness faded from her. "Oh, my dear, it will vex your father again," she said, "that you should want to marry the sister of a music-teacher. It will never do to vex him again. Is she not a lady?" Michael laughed.

Things seemed to prosper with the kindly and talented German. He was reserved, intellectual, and was respected by the best. He was making money not as London brokers might count money, but prosperous for a mere music-teacher. And so there came a day when he bought out the school of Professor Linlay, and became proprietor and leader of the famous Bath Orchestra. But the talented Mrs.

She carried a parcel in her hand that might have been a roll of music, and from the lateness of the hour Keith fancied her a shop-girl on her way home, or possibly a music-teacher. Stirred by the glimpse of the refined face, and even more by the carriage of the little head under the dainty hat, Keith quickened his pace to obtain another glance at her.

Polly got out of her chair somehow, and stood very close to the fussing fingers over the pink satin bow. "Do you never dare say that to me again," she commanded; "it's the whole of my life to be a music-teacher the very whole." "Oh, Polly!" down went the satin bow dragging with it Alexia's spool of silk and the dainty scissors. "Don't don't I didn't mean anything; but you really know that Mr.

We met, six or eight of us, at the home of two of these young women, a factory boarding-house, in a neat little parlor which contained a piano. The professor was a music-teacher also, and he sometimes brought his guitar, and let us finish our recitation with a concert. More frequently he gave us the songs of Deutschland that we begged for. He sang the "Erl-King" in his own tongue admirably.