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He was beginning a hesitating move from the music-stool with a sense of the uncertainty before him when his anchorage was forsaken, but postponed it as a reply to his companion's remark: "I'm not coming yet. I'll play presently.... You were accompanying yourself just now. I was listening to you at the end of the piano."

"May I sing to you?" He said at last. "Yes, indeed." She left the flowers, in order to open the piano and screw down the music-stool, and then drew quietly back. After a long and subdued prelude, he began with the "Sunset Song," by Ole Olsen, very softly, as he had spoken and moved ever since he came in.

Coombes saw it was going to be a row, and opened too vigorously, as is common with your timid, nervous men all the world over. "Steady on with that music-stool!" said he; "it ain't made for 'eavy-weights." "Never you mind about weights," said Jennie, incensed. "What was you saying behind my back about my playing?" "Surely you don't 'old with not having a bit of music on a Sunday, Mr.

He was playing Schumann's Child Music. How could one who produced such fresh idyllic sounds have sinister intentions? And presently she said: "Count Rosek!" "Madame?" "Will you please tell me why you sent Daphne Wing here yesterday?" "I send her?" "Yes." But instantly she regretted having asked that question. He had swung round on the music-stool and was looking full at her. His face had changed.

"But you must understand," he said, colouring again, "how painful all this has been for me " "Not seeing me?" she interpolated innocently. "The the whole thing," he stammered. "Yes, parents are tiresome," she said sympathetically. He came nearer the music-stool. "Are they not? They came down every year for the Eights." "Is that at Oxford?" "Yes."

'Do you? asked Vera, innocently. 'Yes, and you and Stephen give me something. 'Besides, Stephen doesn't quite like the music-stool. 'What's that got to do with it? You like it. I'm giving it to you, not to him. I shall go over to Bostock's tomorrow morning and get it. 'I forbid you to. 'I shall. Woodruff departed.

An experienced man has described his motion when he trots in this way: "Put a horse into a cart without springs, in the cart put a rickety table; on the table place a music-stool screwed up as high as it will go. Now seat yourself on the music-stool and gallop over a ploughed field, and you will have a very correct notion of the sensation of riding a trotting camel."

My piano came this morning. Care to try it?" "Rather!" said Sarah. "Well, I never saw anything like it!" This was in reference to her first glimpse of the great drawing-room. "How you've improved it, you dear thing!" "You see, I have my own cheque-book; it saves worry." "I see!" said Sarah, meaningly, putting her purse on the piano, her umbrella on a chair, and herself on the music-stool.

He was sitting on a sofa opposite to her as she sat on a music-stool which she had turned round, so as to face him, and he fancied that he could see her right hand hide itself among the folds of her dress. "Is it about the theatre?" "Well, it is; and yet it isn't." "I wish it were something about the theatre. It always seems to come more natural between you and me."

Max took the armchair on the left of the fireplace; while No. 13 perched himself grotesquely on a high music-stool, his long legs curled round the foot. Mortimer stood in his former position on the hearth, his back to the fire. A very odd-looking band!