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Maurice Thompson, Miss Edith Thomas, Octave Thanet, Mr. Charles Warren Stoddard, Mr. H. B. Fuller, Mrs. Catherwood, Mr. Hamlin Garland, all whom I name at random among other Western writers, were then as unknown as Mr. Cable, Miss Murfree, Mrs. Rives Chanler, Miss Grace King, Mr. Joel Chandler Harris, Mr.

"Well, as I understand it, the man comes from some remote part of the country, and speaks a villainous patois that even an educated person of his own land can scarcely make out. He is very ignorant, and slow to pick up our tongue." "Was Murfree his only accuser?" "Virtually. Still, his written deposition was so clear one could not gainsay it, I have heard." "Written?

The young lady put a white hand over the child's restless lips and nodded vigorously towards her manager, who continued rapidly: "He hid in the woods till that night of the party, waiting for a chance at Murfree, I presume, for he is bitter against him yet. But, driven desperate by hunger, he came into town, and the smell and sight of the feasting nearly crazed him, I imagine. So " "Doyce! Doyce!

Don't you know how they said he raved and took on in his jargon, and nobody could understand him. He couldn't speak English at all, could he?" "Not much. They managed to make out he was furious with Murfree, though I suppose because he denounced him and evidently was making threats against the old man. At any rate he kept up some kind of a howl about him all the time.

"Yes, he must not find you here!" the detective agreed hurriedly. "I'll communicate with you at the club if I need you again, Miss Murfree. You have been of great service to both Miss Lawton and myself." When they were alone for the moment before the street-railway president appeared, Blaine turned to Anita. "You will try to be very courageous, and follow whatever lead I give you?" he asked.

They were soon in the apartment which Murfree had occupied, just across from the cobbler's. Dr. Browne stood over the bed, and had the two watchers guarding the door to keep out the frankly-curious people without.

You will understand everything some day. What about the Irish girl, Loretta Murfree?" "President Mallowe's filing clerk? He dismissed her only this morning, on a trumped-up charge of incompetence. She's here now, having some lunch, up in my dressing-room. Would you like to talk with her?" "I would, indeed," he assented, nodding as Anita pressed the bell.

"No, I got there just as it was all over, and I can't tell you much about it. They've taken the man away, and Murfree, too. The latter is pretty badly used up and can't talk. That was as savage a brute as I ever saw!" "He was a desperate man," said Joyce, still feeling the stirrings of pity.

Meanwhile, Colonel Murfree and his two companies take their stand directly in front of the fort, and open a brisk and rapid fire, to make the garrison believe that they are the real attacking party. The redcoats are surely fooled, for they hurry down with a strong force to meet them, only to find their fort captured before they can get back.

He began to think the likeness which had led him this last chase was an illusion, after all, and that the fellow must be some new workman, who had by chance discovered his woodland retreat and considered it public property. But if that man were Lozcoski then Murfree ought to know.