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In a jiffy Bobby, who recognized that look as the same he had seen when they had brought Daddy home, was at her side. "Cheer up, Mumsy," he exclaimed. "Nothin' doin' in caskits this time." She lifted her thin, angular face from the boy to Donaldson. The latter explained, "He got tangled up a bit with an automobile, but I guess the machine got the worst of it. At any rate your boy is all right."

I'd sell to any and everybody who came in the shop. Exactly! Well, now you see I have a shop on wheels. I must go to any and every body who might have use for my wares. I'd have a very limited clientele if I stuck to those who considered me on their level and whom I considered on mine. So give me your blessing, Mumsy, and wish me well." "Judith, how you do run on!

Nobody was there, but a large dress box was leaning against the door and fell into the hall when the door was opened. The girl picked it up and carried it into the parlor. "Mumsy! Come quick! I don't know what it is but it isn't a beau. Never mind your dress, but just come!" The string was broken by eager young hands, although Mrs. Buck begged to be allowed to pick out the knots.

She had that way with her at school and then it would have hurt me, if I had not been perfectly conscious of the fact that she couldn't tell the difference between nouns and verbs in Latin and got gender and case and tense all mixed up. "Yes, Mumsy, I'm going to Buck Hill and clear about five dollars, even though I may have to take a good snubbing.

Whoever bought this outfit knew how to buy. Mumsy, Mumsy! The slippers fit. Oh, I'm a real Cinderella, but the best thing about it is that the old men must truly love me, the dears." Jeff Gives a Pledge Until recently it had been the custom for Miss Ann Peyton, on every fine afternoon, to have old Billy drive her forth for an airing.

"His turkey red curtains are up now and his geranium slips started. He has put on a fresh coat of whitewash, within and without, and his floor is scrubbed so clean you could really make up biscuit on it. It is gratifying, Mumsy, that we have been able to make two old people as happy as we have Cousin Ann and old Uncle Billy. I only hope Cousin Ann doesn't bother you."

"Thank you both very much," she said, and clutching her mother's arm she hurried into the lobby of the skating rink and was lost to view in the crowd of arriving guests. "Here's the dressing-room, Mumsy, and we can leave our awful old dusters in there. Weren't you furious at being seen in the horrid things and that by the best beaux of the ball?

"She's an awfully nice girl, Mumsy!" she said to her mother. Janice laughed. But her bright eyes were taking in much besides the smiling expression on her friends' faces. The Carringford kitchen was like wax. Mrs. Carringford had been washing in one comer of the room, and there was a boiler drying behind the stove. But there was nothing sloppy or sudsy about the room.

The first supper was difficult because she was determined to have it absolutely perfect, and her mother would insist upon getting in her way, offering various suggestions that might save a tenth of a cent. "I tell you, Mumsy, I am not saving but making. Please sit down in this chair by the table, while I behave like the man in the lunatic asylum who thought he was a steam engine.

Mumsy, do you think the prince was there last night?" she asked. "Prince! What prince?" "Oh, just any old prince! Prince Charming! I think in fact I am sure I liked my Cousin Jeff Bucknor better than any of the men who danced with me." "Now, Judith, please don't start up that foolishness.