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I believe they begin with shivering. On Monday, as I was going up to school, I saw Eliza Hagan waiting about. Soon I heard "Mumma," and then followed an invitation to four-o'clock tea that day, and as I was going, "Puppa must come too" was called out. Accordingly we appeared punctually at the hour named. A table was spread with a white cloth.

Ellen sang to them some of Moody and Sankey's hymns to the accompaniment of her autoharp. Graham told them we thought of camping out a night or two on the mountain; at which they were much concerned and tried hard to dissuade us. At last Eliza said a comfortable air of conviction, "Mumma won't go with Puppa." He conveyed them home one on either arm, both being rather decrepit. Saturday, June 22.

With all this, the hermit disturbed the lovely visitor. He opened wide two eyes, the colour of heaven; and seeing a strange figure kneeling over him, he cried piteously, "MUMMA! MUM-MA!" And the tears began to run down his little cheeks.

He sat down, leant forward, picked a straw off the flor and twisted it round and round his finger, reflecting. Little Bill put his head on Mother's lap, and asked for a piece of bread...He asked a second time. "There IS no bread, child," she said. "But me wants some, mumma." Dad went outside and Dave followed. They sat on their heels, their backs to the barn, thoughtfully studying the earth.

Andy and I sat stiff and straight, on two chairs against the wall, and held our hats tight, and stared at a picture of Wellington meeting Blucher on the opposite wall. I thought it was lucky that that picture was there. The child was calling 'mumma', and Mrs Baker went in to it, and her sister came out. 'Best tell her all about it and get it over, she whispered to Andy.

If a man wants money from me, he has to come to me at least with a decent hair-cut and show me at least a little respect. He can’t come running up like a kid on the street who says: ‘Mumma, gif me a shent; I want to buy some tandy.’ No, no, son, you can’t get anything out of me that way.” The smile that appeared on Daniel’s face filled Jason Philip with mortal terror.

We anxiously watched what we could see at the right, and noted the effect of the fire of the heavy guns of Benjamin's battery. We could see nothing distinctly that occurred beyond the Dunker Church, for the East and West Woods with farm-houses and orchards between made an impenetrable screen. A column of smoke stood over the burning Mumma house, marking plainly its situation.

"I have accustomed her to sitting quietly in my bedroom from the time I go out until I return!" "There he is there he is," piped Elsa, and Karl was observed slithering down a chestnut-tree, very much the worse for twigs. "I've been listening to what you said about me, mumma," he confessed while Frau Kellermann brushed him down. "It was not true about the watch.

'No, said Andy. 'Why isn't he? 'Because he's going to wait up there for you and mumma, Bobby. There was a long pause, and then Bobby asked 'Are you going to give me a shilling, Andy? with the same expression of innocent wonder in his eyes. Andy slipped half-a-crown into his hand.

'Maybe they need the five shillin', Jesse suggested. 'It's handy, said Jabez. 'But the child's more. "Dada" he says, an' "Mumma" he says, with his great rollin' head-piece all hurdled up in that iron collar. He won't live long his backbone's rotten, like. But they Copleys do just about set store by him five bob or no five bob. 'Same way with Jim an' his mother, Jesse went on.