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Reginald watched him with something like admiration, inwardly wondering if he would ever be able to find his way about this labyrinth of boxes, and strongly of opinion that only muffs like printers would think of arranging the alphabet in such an absurdly haphazard manner.

The former consists in the use of instruments of restraint, namely, strait-jackets or camisoles, muffs, straps, mittens, restraint or strong sheets, etc. all of them, except on the rarest of occasions, instruments of neglect and torture. By the use of such drugs a troublesome patient may be rendered unconscious and kept so for hours at a time.

"That fellow has always kept his word always, in spite of your precious band of muffs and if you let him keep it this time, when there's upwards of £40,000 worth of jewels in the house, it will be nothing less than a national disgrace, and you and your wretched collection of bunglers will be covered with deserved ridicule."

But I always detected what you were thinking, and I saw it didn't surprise you at all when the Academy muffs refused it." "There you're wrong," cried Warburton. "I was really surprised." "Confound your impudence! Well, you may think what you like. I maintain that the thing isn't half bad. It grows upon me. I see its merits more and more." Franks was holding up the picture, eyeing it intently.

And so Legg introduced Macer, and so there came on a little intimacy, and three-card loo, &c. &c.. Year after year scores of Muffs, in various places in the world, are victimised by Legg and Macer.

The most curious thing about his appearance was his eyes: they were large, black, and had a peculiar dull dead lustre." "Did they shine in the dark? I knew a fellow at Oxford whose eyes did. Chairs ran after him." "I never noticed; I don't remember. 'Psychically, as you superstitious muffs call it, Bolter was still more queer. At that time we were all gone on spirit-rapping.

"A fine, strong, handsome man, like him, wasn't likely to be laid down for life like a baby, when he was hardly middle-aged. These doctors here be just so many muffs. When I get too old for work, I'll go to Germany myself, Miss Constance, and ask 'em to make me young again." Constance smiled. She was running her eyes over the rest of the letter, which was a long one.

We must get some brandy it's cheaper," said Brigson; and accordingly some brandy was brought in, which the boys diluted with hot water, and soon despatched. "Here! before you're all done swilling," said Brigson, "I've got a health; 'Confound muffs and masters, and success to the anti's." "And their chairman, suggested Wildney. "And their chairman, the best fellow in the school," added Brigson.

The long line behind of maids carrying their muffs, and of lackeys with the muff-dogs, and of pages holding their trains, and the grinning innkeeper, bursting with pride and courtesying as if he had St. Vitus's dance, all this crowd coiling round the rude spiral stairway it was enough to make one die of laughter.

I asked Sara when we came home if she didn't think he was splendid. "He'd be a nice boy if he wasn't rather conceited," said Sara. After that it was impossible to say anything more about Mr. Shirley. I am glad he is going to be in Atwater all summer. We have so few really nice young men here; they go away just as soon as they grow up and those who stay are just the muffs.