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Larkin established himself, and adjusted his rug and mufflers about him, for, notwithstanding the season, there had been some cold, rainy weather, and the evening was sharp; and he set his two newspapers, his shilling book, and other triumphs of cheap literature in sundry shapes, in the vacant seat at his left hand, and made everything handsome about him.

Coats were pulled off; mufflers were unwound; pretty hands were helping; strong hands were lifting and carrying; every room was bright with a great fire; tea was refused, and dinner welcomed.

I want none of your rascally lurching longshore vermin, who get five pounds out of this captain, and ten out of that, and let him sail without them after all, while they are stowed away under women's mufflers, and in tavern cellars.

And had it not been that they had very well antidoted their stomach, heart, and wine-pot, which is called the noddle, they had been altogether suffocated and choked with these detestable vapours. O what a perfume! O what an evaporation wherewith to bewray the masks or mufflers of young mangy queans.

Smith and I were both arrayed in rough tweeds, and anticipating the labors before us, had dispensed with collars and wore soft mufflers. It was hard to be called upon to face a professional interview dressed thus, and having a big tweed cap pulled down over my eyes. Across the writing-table we confronted one another in dismayed silence, whilst, below, the bell sent up its ceaseless clangor.

The auctioneer was selling farm tools and stock at the other side of the house, and most of the men-folks were congregated there tall, solemn people, still wearing winter mufflers soberly chewing tobacco and comparing notes on the tools.

"His name is self; and he has many forms. In men he is greed; in women he is vanity, and goes attired in much raiment the chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers " "Oh, don't!" cried Mary, wildly. "Very well, Mary; I won't." And he didn't. But, looking at Mary, it seemed that she was just as unhappy as if he had. He turned to an old man who had hobbled into the room on crutches.

I do not know if it tells that from that moment she began to look on him with more favorable eyes, but i' sooth it is a fact that upon his asking her to accept his escort to the Moor's house, she gave her assent, and the two set out hand in hand, the maiden holding her head up free from mufflers.

The magic so it seemed in its effects tolling of a deep-toned bell in the neighborhood would not allow them to doze long in their warm nooks, but, like the jealous monster in the fairy-tale, kept its captives always going, going, going, for its sixth stroke had not died away before they began to appear again, this time with the addition of fur hats and little dinner-baskets, and with no perceptible noses unless the existence of watery eyes above their mufflers argued the missing features to be in their proper places below and with an accelerated gait also an act of enchantment.

In the neighborhood of the Sea Bridge, the customs agents, burying their faces in their mufflers, were walking up and down to shake off the damp chill of the morning. Through the windows of the revenue office the clerks who had just arrived could be seen moving their sleepy heads to and fro.