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When Williams and I had followed, we took a general inventory of the Belle Helène. All the deck gear was gone, spare oars and spars, a canvas or so, and some coils of rope. Beyond that, there seemed no serious damage, unless the hull had been injured by its pounding during the night. "It's a mud-bank here, I think, Mr. Harry," said Peterson.

But wait; we got talk." She drove the canoe on a mud-bank beyond the willows and scrambled out. Sam, scowling and hardening at her approach, was careful to keep his distance. He suspected her of a design to detain him by force. "There's been too much talk," he growled. "You'd better hustle on down. They'll be here soon." "Sam, don' go!" she begged. "W'at you do at head of lake?

So you can imagine now that I've explained it a little straighter, the indignation of the people when they knew that the boat had come uncorked and that they might be stuck out there on a shoal or a mud-bank half the night.

As dawn shimmered across the ford he trotted down the mud-bank and waded into the stream, where he stood shoulder-deep and lapped the cool water. Corliss, early afoot, found him curled at the front door of the ranch-house. Chance braced himself on his fore legs and yawned. Then stretching he rose and, frisking about Corliss, tried to make himself understood.

They, however, were not the only visitors to the river. The tide was low, and on every mud-bank or exposed spot countless numbers of birds were collected numerous kinds of gulls, herons, and long-legged cranes besides which, on the trees were perched thousands of white birds, looking at a distance like shining white flowers. They were the egretta flavirostris.

It began to look as if other means would have to be resorted to the saddest of all, perhaps time. Sometime, somewhere, after days or even weeks, ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred miles down the river, a sodden, unrecognizable body would be washed up on sand-bar or mud-bank. It was a sickening thought. "Have all the river towns been telegraphed?" asked a bystander, of the mayor.

"No, Ay tank not," said Ole Ericsen. "Der Mary Rebecca yust hang up on efery mud-bank with that hook. Ay don't want to lose der Mary Rebecca. She's all Ay got." "No, no," Charley hurried to explain. "We can put the end of the hook through the bottom from the outside, and fasten it on the inside with a nut.

In spite of a soft mud-bank, plenty of green scum, stagnant water, and shady lotus leaves, a fat wife and a numerous family; in short, everything to make a frog happy, his forehead, or rather gullet, was wrinkled with care from long pondering of knotty problems, such as the following: The monks often come down to the edge of the pond to look at the pink and white lotus.

A small bank of mud and sand covered with reedy coarse grass divides the river into two arms on this side of the island; the deep channel is on the outside of this bank, and as we rowed home this evening, the tide having fallen, we scraped sand almost the whole way. Mr. 's domain, it seems to me, will presently fill up this shallow stream, and join itself to the above-mentioned mud-bank.

The current was so strong that they could scarcely paddle against it so they resolved to go no further that night, and ran the canoe ashore on a low point of mud, intending to encamp under the trees, no human habitation being near them. The mud-bank was hard and dry, and cracked with the heat; for it was now the end of the dry season, and the river had long since retired from it.