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"Quit the BS, la caca, and get out with me at the next stop. Then you buy your ticket at the machine in front of my eyes." "Muchas gracias," said Guillermo. "De nada," said the trolley troll. Guillermo put a dollar and seventy-five cents into the machine and got a sheet of paper as long and double the width of his little finger.

Luckily they misunderstood, for the price was "two hands for a medio," and as it was I had to leave lying on the grass several of the ten fine large oranges one of the aborigines had counted on his fingers and accepted a two-and-a-half cent piece for with a "Muchas gracias, amigo."

The officer, white with rage in which hearty fear was mingled, obeyed with alacrity, pulling out a gold coin and handing it, with an oath, to the peon whose hat he had ruined. "Muchas gracias," murmured Kid Wolf, reholstering his gun. "And now, if the fun's ovah, I must bid yo' buenas tardes. Adios!"

They took my largesse gravely, as became Spaniards; one said, smiling sadly, "Muchas gracias," but the others merely smiled sadly; and I looked in vain for the response which would have twinkled up in the faces of even moribund Italians at our looks of pity.

The Indians uttered a howl of disappointment when they saw the jug collapse and its precious contents wasted, but were silenced by an exclamation of their chief. After an excited pow-wow between themselves, they disappeared among the hills in the shadows of the night. "Muchas gracias, senor Americana," said Don Juan, "quien sabe?"

From the Montana verde to the C. de Muchas yllas, that is, from the Hudson to the west end of the peninsula of Cape Cod, the distance appears to be eighty leagues, or nearly double its true length; while the width of the great bay between the C. de Muchas yllas and the Arecifes, or from Cape Cod to Cape Sable is shown to be less than twenty leagues, whereas it is more than fifty.

"Muchas gracias!" Nan enunciated slowly. This effort was received with an admiring acclaim that flushed Nan with an inordinate pride. She had picked up the phrase from hearing it used at table. The fat woman came forward, one of the puppies tucked under her arm. In spite of her apparently unwieldy size she moved gracefully and lightly.

Accordingly, the ships' heads were turned south once more, and upon July 20th, 1570, the fleet arrived in the African port, "on sus galeras todas llenas de muchas banderas" with galleys gaily beflagged. The procession entered the harbour in three divisions of eight galleys: and towing behind each division was one of the captured galleys of the Knights.

Also, if they should be provided with fresh fruit oranges, dates, or figs and you are not, their offer to share is by no means made with the hope or expectation that you will say Muchas gracias, the equivalent of "No, thank you."

Immediately I ought to have pressed another coin in her palm, with a "Gracias, madre; muchas gracias," out of regard to the literary climax; but whether I really did so I cannot now remember; I can only hope I did.