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"Not," added McGee cautiously, "but what he can shoot straight enough, and I've heard tell that he don't LIE. That mout and it moutn't be good for your brother who goes around with him considerable, there's different ways of lookin' at that; you understand what I mean? You follow me?"

You've done me and her a heap o' good; she's almost another woman sens you took hold of her, and ef you ever want me to stand up and 'testify, as you call it, in church, Sandy McGee is ready. What I'm tryin' to say to ye is this. Tho' I understand you and your work and your ways there's other folks ez moutn't you follow? You understand what I mean? And it's just that I'm coming to.

"Should we go down after him, or stay here till he comes up?" "Neythur o' the two ways'll do. He moutn't kum along no time. If he's got plunder he won't try to overtake the sogers, but wait till they're well out o' his way. He knows the road to the Del Norte, and kin travel it by hisself." "Then we should go down after him." "Only one o' us.

"Ef I'd known she was comin' back I'd" he stopped and brought his sunburnt fist against the seam of his trousers with a boyish gesture, "I'd hev jist" "What?" said the master sharply. "I'd hev played hookey till she left school agin! It moutn't hev bin so long, neither," he added with a mysterious chuckle. "That will do," said the master peremptorily.

In that case there moutn't be much fear o' 'em; but whether or no, it be best for us to make sure. I say let's set the sail." "Berra well, Massa Brace," rejoined the Coromantee, whose opposition had been only slight. "Dar am troof in wha you hab 'ledged. Ef you say set de sail, I say de same. Dar am a lubbly breeze bowlum. 'Pose we 'tick up de mass dis berry instam ob time?"

Dish yer man mout a had a name, en den ag'in he moutn't. He mont er bin name Slip-shot Sam, en he mouter bin name ole One-eye Riley, w'ich ef 'twuz hit ain't bin handed roun' ter me. But dish yer man, he in de tale, en w'at we gwine do wid 'im? Dat's de p'int, kase w'en I git ter huntin' 'roun' 'mong my 'membunce atter dish yer Mister W'atyoumaycollum's name, she ain't dar.

You wouldn't take a big price for your two hundred acres here now." He watched the other's countenance sharply as he spoke, but the training of slavery made the face of the black Ajax simply Sphinx-like in its inscrutability. "Wal, I don't know," said Nimbus, slowly, "I mout and then again I moutn't, yer know.

Then he stood again by the bed. "Ef I'd got hyar a minute sooner, Sally," he said, slowly, and there was a trace of self-accusation in his voice, "hit moutn't hev happened. I war jest a mite too tardy but I knows ye hed ter kill him. I knows ye acted in self-defence." From the bed came again the half-insane response of hysterical moaning, and the young mountaineer straightened his shoulders.

De place fer a big fine is whar de brush is tick and de Linkum men crawl away so dey woan be tromp on. Who knows but I kin fine a place whar a ginral hide hisself? Ob cose if he hab a lot of gole he'd stick it in de bush or kiver it right smart, so dat oders moutn't get it foh he could helf hisself."

"Whar are ye runnin' to?" said the inquiring voice of Ezekiel from the veranda. "I thought I saw some one in the garden," returned Demorest, quietly, satisfied of the illusion of his senses, "but it was a mistake." "It mout and it moutn't," said Ezekiel, dryly. "Thar's nothin' to keep any one out. It's only a wonder that you ain't overrun with thieves and sich like."