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Another woodcutter, he adds, was also stung in the lower part of the leg. He was binding faggots together at some distance and had not the strength to regain his home. He collapsed by the side of the road. Some men passing by carried him on their shoulders: "À la cabro morto, moussu,

He said, "En be! moussu, ses sage?" as in lower Languedoc; "Onte anaras passa?" as in the Basses-Alpes; "Puerte un bouen moutu embe un bouen fromage grase," as in upper Dauphine. This pleased the people extremely, and contributed not a little to win him access to all spirits. He was perfectly at home in the thatched cottage and in the mountains.

Indeed, he even began to be patronized. His master addressed him as "Moussu," the master who had threatened him with ending his days in the hospital! Thus far, everything had gone well with him. What with shaving, hairdressing, and rhyming, two years soon passed away. Jasmin was now eighteen, and proposed to start business on his own account.

And, full of their troubles, they unfolded, before my eyes, a scrap of flannel on which the vermin were swarming: "Regardas, moussu! Venoun d'espeli; et ren per lour douna! Ah, pecaire!" "Look, sir! The frost has come and we've nothing to give them! Oh, what a misfortune!" Poor people! What a harsh trade is yours: respectable above all others, but of all the most uncertain!

In that case, what occurred would have been somewhat the same as in the experiments of Charrin, Delamare, and Moussu, where guinea-pigs in gestation, whose liver or kidney was injured, transmitted the lesion to their progeny, simply because the injury to the mother's organ had given rise to specific "cytotoxins" which acted on the corresponding organ of the foetus.