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Meet Angelo, who conducts me to his Master, the British Vice-Consul. Hearty Welcome from Mr. Gagliuffi. Detail of the Slave-Caravans of The Wady. Read the Newspapers; Massacre of Jemâ-el-Ghazouat, and the Annexation of Texas. Visit to the Bashaw of Mourzuk. Visits to the Commandant of the Garrison and the Kady. Poetical Scrap of European Antiquity. Celebration of a Wedding. Environs of Mourzuk.

Fezzan, with its numerous and large oases, offers for investigation to the physiologist, the three distinct species or varieties of the human race which overspread all Central Africa, viz., The Arabs and Moors, the Touaricks, and the Negroes, and these all mixed and blended together, of all shades of colour, stature, and configuration. The Arabs and Moors abound this side Mourzuk.

When even Denham and Clapperton visited Mourzuk, they were not allowed to reside in the town, but kept in the castle, under the special protection of the Bashaw, lest anything should befall them from the prejudices of the people.

What better shall I find in Mourzuk or Ghat? Can they give me more than milk? More than milk I care not for. And God is here as elsewhere!"

Afterwards we visited the Treasurer, who also gave us coffee, and was very civil; and finally called upon the brother of the Governor of Ghât, who was writing letters for us to-day. I feel in better health than when I left Tripoli. Yet we are all a little nervous about the climate of Mourzuk, which is situated in a slight depression of the plain, in a place inclined to be marshy.

Visit, and take leave of the Bashaw. Various Anecdotes related by His Highness. Safe-conduct given to liberated Slaves in returning to their Country. Character of the Tibboos, and particularly Tibboo Women. Description of the Oases of Fezzan. Leo's Account of these Oases. Recent History of the Government of Mourzuk. The Traitor Mukni. Life and Character of Abd-el-Geleel.

I do not know what things I shall let fall of my own; but this I know, that during my whole residence in Mourzuk my mind has been continually occupied in endeavouring to save Government money. But I have received little assistance. The weather still continues hot, with wind from the south: however, I walked in the gardens.

We were compelled to leave three camel-loads behind, in the first place, at Gharian; these were subsequently got on to Kaleebah, and thence to Mizdah: but there the influence of Izhet Pasha's circular letter entirely failed to procure for us three extra camels, and we were compelled to push on to Mourzuk, leaving part of our goods in the oasis.

Occupied in writing down the stations of the Bornou route from the mouth of one of the Sheikh's couriers. There are now two of these couriers in Mourzuk, natives of Bornou. The Sheikh corresponds with Belazee as well as with Mr. Gagliuffi. Bornouese couriers travel in pairs, lest a single one should fail if sent alone.

This man has considerable wealth, and is in constant communication with Mourzuk, where he sends numbers of slaves, and possesses property. He probably began to quake for his property in Mourzuk, fearing the Turks would make reprisals. I went to bed with the assurance of this man that he would get back for us our camels; nevertheless, having been deceived a thousand times, I had my misgivings.