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Sensus autem non potest esse nisi præsentium, quamvis magis a longinquo sentire possint corpora gloriosa, quam non gloriosa: nec tamen per motum aliquid deperibit eorum beatitudini quæ consistit in Dei visione, quem ubique præsentem habebunt. S. Thom., Suppl., q. 84, art. 2.

Ter. And., i. but the best pretence for innovation is of very dangerous consequence: "Aden nihil motum ex antiquo probabile est."

So loath is humanity to touch the customs of its ancestors, and to change the laws framed by the founders of communities, and confirmed by the faithful observance of the ages. Nihil motum ex antiquo probabile est: Distrust all innovations, wrote Titus Livius.

A small degree of attention will be sufficient to perceive, that Sauvages, by this just distinction, actually separates this kind of tremulous motion, and which is the kind peculiar to this disease, from the Genus Tremor. Quippe nemo, qui artus movere non instituerit tremet. Palpitantes autem partes, etiam in quiete fuerint, etiamsi nullum illis motum induxeris palpitant. Boerhaav. Aphorismos.

Phrases of ordinary prose, which he uses freely, do not, as in Virgil's hands, turn into poetry by his mere use of them; they give rather than receive dignity in his verses, and only in a few rare instances, like the stately Motum ex Metello consule civicum, are they completely fused into the structure of the poem.

The second day lecture, April 17, was concerned with a description of the organs of the thorax, and after a discussion on the structure and action of the heart come the lines: W. H. constat per fabricam cordis sanguinem per pulmones in Aortam perpetuo transferri, as by two clacks of a water bellows to rayse water constat per ligaturam transitum sanguinis ab arteriis ad venas unde perpetuum sanguinis motum in circulo fieri pulsu cordis.