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It might as well 'ave 'eld out flowers to the devil! though my own opinion is as the devil 'imself wouldn't 'a ridden down a child. But a motorin' lord o' these days is neither man nor beast nor devil, 'e's a somethin' altogether onhuman onhuman out an' out, a thing wi' goggles over his eyes an' no 'art in his body, which we aint iver seen in this poor old world afore.

It was good and hot on the perch I'd picked out and I could feel the sun doing things to the back of my neck and ears, but I didn't dare climb down for fear I'd be missed. Where was this musical gent and his tourin' car? Or would it be a limousine? Somehow from the way Vee had talked, sayin' he was bugs on motorin', I sort of favored the limousine proposition. Uh-huh.

I'm fair tired oot! Nelly exclaimed indignantly. 'Was it their religion made them behave like that? 'Religion! Mrs. Grayson laughed. 'Well, they was only the yan Sunday here but they took no account o't, whativer. They went motorin' all day; an niver set foot in church or chapel. They belong to soom Society or other I couldna tell what. But we'll not talk o' them ony more, Mrs.

Carville, sir? Yes, that's his name. Well, it's a rather curious case. I don't know what to make of it myself. He came down here with a party of university gentlemen about a month ago. Very nice gentlemen they were, sir, and were very free with their money, Mr. Carville especially. And then they all went off except him with a motorin' party that spent a week-end here. Mr.

As we flew past a somnolent bush pub, Alfred, whistling softly, leant forward and turned on a little more oil. "You never heard about Henery and the elephant?" he said. "It was dead funny. Henery was a bushwacker, but clean mad on motorin'. He was wood and water joey at some squatter's place until he seen a motor-car go past one day, the first that ever they had in the districk.

She sat in front beside the chauffeur for the motion of the car was less there, but she decided that, if she were ever hypnotized into associating with the Model again, she would take the back seat. "The Missions for mine," he went on, when his passenger made no reply. "There's some prefers the Yosemite, but there's no motorin' there. And if I was a girl I wouldn't feel married without a motor.

Tom o' the Gleam was worth a dozen o' your motorin' lords! an' the hull countryside through Quantocks, ay, an' even across Exmoor, 'ull 'ave tears for 'im an' 'is pretty little Kiddie what didn't do no 'arm to anybody more'n a lamb skippin' in the fields.

As it is, you can take it from me, the best thing you can do for that conscience o' yours, is get busy in another direction. Dress yourself up as fetchin' as you can, go out motorin' with your gen'l'man friend like he ast you to, let him get his perposal offn his chest, an' then tell'm you'll be a sister to'm." Sam Slawson had gone to the Adirondacks in January, personally conducted by Mr.