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He took her face between his hands and was going to kiss her, but she started away from him. "Oh, maircy! What cold hands!" she exclaimed. "I've been out in the shed working at my motor-bicycle. It was freezing. And I made an awful mess of it, too, because I was blind and shaking with rage." "You poor silly thing!" she cried lovingly. "Give me yon bits of ice!"

"Yes, by road," said Mr. Briggerland, "on my motor-bicycle." "What time did you arrive in San Remo?" "At midday, or it may have been a quarter of an hour before." "You know that the murder must have been committed at half-past eleven?" said Jack. "So the newspapers tell me." "Where did you go in San Remo?" asked the detective.

Any'ow 'e did 'ave the treasury such as it was in his pocket!"... The night before that was Bank Holiday night and they had sat discussing their minstrel enterprise, drawing up a programme and rehearsing steps. And the night before was Whit Sunday. "Lord!" cried Bert, "what a doing that motor-bicycle give me!"

The chauffeur, with characteristic skill, arranged that the car should run out of petrol precisely in front of the best hotel in Chelmsford, which was about half-way to London. The motor-bicycle had not been seen for several miles. But scarcely had they resumed the journey, by the Epping road, when it came again into view in front of them.

The hero is not he who feels no fear, for that were brutal and irrational." "What do you do it for?" his friend had querulously and superfluously demanded. "It's so frightfully funny," Peter had said, reflecting, "that I should be doing it. That's why, I suppose. It makes me laugh. You might take to the fiddle if you wanted a good laugh. I take to my motor-bicycle.

But the most remarkable and envy-raising portion of his attire was the loose, washable, yellow gloves, with large gauntlets, designed to protect the delicately tended hands when they had to explore among machinery. He had obtained the motor-bicycle in a peculiar way.

"I think," said I, "you had best take her to her bedroom." "Very good, if you wish it," said she, and followed us to the door. When we reached the hall she suddenly broke away, dashed through the entrance, and made for her motor-bicycle, which was standing there. Before she could start we had both seized her. She stooped and made her teeth meet in Murreyfield's hand.

She brought in a few Xmas roses, from a border under the kitchen window, and arranged them in a glass on the table. It was then time to draw the blinds. But she could not make up her mind to shut out the saffron sky, or the view of the road. Something in the distance! an approaching figure, and the noise of a motor-bicycle.

Every man, every town, every parish that could, was exhorted to make and use them. In a little while they were being constructed not only by governments and local authorities, but by robber bands, by insurgent committees, by every type of private person. The peculiar social destructiveness of the Butteridge machine lay in its complete simplicity. It was nearly as simple as a motor-bicycle.

There's the Japanese; you bet they got it too and the Germans!" The soldier stood with his legs very wide apart, and filled his pipe thoughtfully. Bert sat on the low wall against which his motor-bicycle was leaning. "Funny thing fighting'll be," he said. "Flying's going to break out," said the soldier.