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Eliza Marner kept the promise she had made before marriage faithfully. If she ever felt in her heart any jealousy as she saw Polly growing up a pretty bright little maiden, as different to the usual child product of Varley as could well be, she was wise enough never to express her thoughts, and behaved with motherly kindness to her in the evening hours spent at home.

"We have thought it advisable not to separate the two children," he continued in a soothing voice. "They have been through various vicissitudes together and a separation would hardly be right. There is his sister over there on the bench with the little child in her lap. Polly is a nice child, helpful and motherly and extremely intelligent." "But her hair doesn't curl," objected the lady.

'Let me have it here, may I? she cried impulsively, for the old woman's presence and her motherly attentions soothed the girl. 'If you wish.

The spirit of jesting left me at once, and I know that I looked into her kind motherly face very wistfully and appealingly. After a moment I asked: "Mrs. Yocomb, did you ever treat an utter stranger so kindly before?" "I think so," she said, with a smile. "Emily Warren came to us an entire stranger and we already love her very much." "I can understand that.

And my poor mamma's name was Helena, just like Helena in 'Midsummer Night's Dream." The motherly hand trembled, and the lady's voice faltered as she said, "Star, my dear sister's name was Helena, too. Is not that strange, my little one?" The child looked curiously at her. "Where is your dear sister?" she asked. "Why do you cry when you say her name? is she naughty?"

"You are very wise for your age, my dear child!" answered the Duchessa, in the motherly tone that irritated Veronica. The old gentleman nodded gravely, being quite too much preoccupied and surprised to judge at all of his hostess's wisdom, but delighted with the effect which the change of air seemed already to have produced upon Gianluca.

She was tall and angular, and her face had a sudden roundness a kind of motherly, Dutch doll, set on its high, lean frame. Her body moved in soft jerks. She heaped up the plates with quick hands, and watched the men while they ate. For a time no one spoke. The old man went to the cellar and brought up a great mug of beer, and they filled their pipes and sat smoking and sipping the beer stolidly.

He wiped his eyes in well-feigned grief, and showed them the new king, who had been trusted, he said, by his father, to the motherly care of Agathoclea and to their loyalty. He then accused Tlepolemus of aiming at the throne, and brought forward a creature of his own to prove the truth of the charge.

And then she had a thousand motherly anecdotes of the children's sweetness and cleverness to regale me with till she had talked herself tolerably happily to sleep. We kept her with us, as there were reports the next day of arrests among the ladies of the Princes' party.

Laura he remembers was but a year older, but, oh, how much wiser in worldly lore! No, he would never care to have Violet wise in that way. "And if it had been otherwise, my child, it was a sad bridal. Some time we will make amends for all that." Her eyes fill with tears. She is still looking very grave when Denise takes her in the fond, motherly arms.