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Thaxter's sudden death, seventeen years later, a friend asked her eldest son where his mother was, with the intent to discover if she had been well enough to leave her room. "Oh," he replied, "her mother came in the night and took her away."

As her mother took her in her arms, she laid her head upon her shoulder, saying it ached very hard. It was thought that sleep would restore her, so she was placed in bed. At midnight the mother was aroused by the ineffectual efforts of Mary Jane to awaken her nurse. On entering the chamber, she found that the dear child had not slept at all.

They started at seeing him, and his mother, forgetting for the instant all her pride, chagrin, and anger, had her arms about his neck, with the cry, "O Willie, Willie," which came from the depths of her heart; then seeing her husband's face, and recovering herself, sat down cold and still. It was a painful interview.

One has known actors, far from unillustrious, who staked their whole performance on some such learned triviality or some trifling novelty of business, when, for example, in Hamlet's scene with his mother, the prince comes to: Look here upon this picture, and on this.

"He praised you and mother for a great many things; but do you know what he says is wrong? He says you will imperil my psyche my soul, my immortal soul. As if I had ever heard of any Psyche but the Psyche whom Eros loved!" "That is quite another thing," said Karnis very seriously. "In many songs, you know, I have tried to make you uplift your soul to a higher flight.

I was just eleven years old when they foreclosed the mortgage and turned my mother and us kids into the street; and since then I've done everything from punching cows to highway robbery but I've never forgot those bankers.

"Hush, mother," Lulu said, troubled, her ethical refinements conflicting with her honesty. "Speak the truth and shame the devil," Mrs. Bett contended. When dinner was ready at noon, Di did not appear. A little earlier Lulu had heard her moving about her room, and she served her in expectation that she would join them.

My great-great-grandmother, Alida van der Heyden, was a first cousin of Herman Mordaunt's great-great-grandmother, by his mother's side, who was a Van Kleeck. So, you see, you and Anneke are actually related." "Just near enough, mother, to put one at ease in their house, and not so near as to make relationship troublesome." "They tell me, my child, that Anneke is a sweet creature!"

But she was not altogether easy to bring up, and gave her parents much trouble and anxiety, for all summer she insisted on spending in the cellar, and in the winter she would sleep outside in the snow, and the colder it was the happier she seemed to be. Her father and mother called her simply 'Our Snow-daughter, and this name stuck to her all her life.

'My mother has never said an unkind word to me in her life, the girl declared, in answer to this. 'I never said she had, and I don't know why you take the precaution of telling me so.