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Naturally dull of perception as he was, Neil was vaguely conscious of a change in Bessie's manner, but he attributed it to grief for the loss of her mother, wondering a little that she could mourn so deeply, a death, which, to him, seemed a relief, for Daisy was not a person whom he would care to acknowledge as his mother-in-law.

Yesterday, when we were in the carriage, he was ready to eat us. The Comtesse de Fiesque said, 'This morning he came to see my mother-in-law, and scolded at her. Prefontaine answered: 'He wanted to throttle me. "It is a pretty enough place," she says, "for a man like him. The house is well furnished, and he gave me excellent entertainment.

There was not another train to stop till No. 5 should return toward evening. So, still bewildered, Mrs. Peters and her mother-in-law gave up their fruitless errand and drove away, taking with them a problem for a lifetime's pondering. Elsmere, as the train vanished around a curve, sat down on the track for a while and listened to his own howls.

FORTUNATELY for me, the landlord did not open the door when I rang. A stupid maid-of-all-work, who never thought of asking me for my name, let me in. Mrs. Macallan was at home, and had no visitors with her. Giving me this information, the maid led the way upstairs, and showed me into the drawing-room without a word of announcement. My mother-in-law was sitting alone, near a work-table, knitting.

At length it grew dark; and I was thinking of ringing for a candle, and betaking myself to bed, when my hostess appeared, with many apologies for having neglected me so long, and laying all the blame upon that 'nasty old woman, as she called her mother-in-law.

Master Tiptoff showed a suspicious alacrity in undertaking the forwarding of his mother-in-law and her stuff. The faces of Master Headley and Tib Steelman were a sight, both having seen only too much of what the house wifery at Salisbury had been.

'Why, then, says my father and mother-in-law, ''tis yourself, Friar Rooney, that's as welcome as the flowers of May; and see who's here before you Father Corrigan, and Father Dollard. * Questin When an Irish priest or friar collects corn or money from the people in a gratuitous manner, the act is called "questin." Welcome.

Marion's whole life became one propitiatory sacrifice to her mother-in-law. To propitiate Mrs. Daintree was a very simple matter.

John Dashwood, without sending any notice of her intention to her mother-in-law, arrived with her child and their attendants. No one could dispute her right to come; the house was her husband's from the moment of his father's decease; but the indelicacy of her conduct was so much the greater, and to a woman in Mrs. Dashwood's situation, with only common feelings, must have been highly unpleasing.

The baron, getting warmer than ever, went on to say: "By Jove! there's that Monsieur Salmon, formerly an expert at the Museum in Paris; he is down here on a visit to his mother-in-law. I'll go and see him this very evening with the Abbe Birotteau and ask him to look at those pictures and estimate their value. From there I'll take the abbe to the lawyer."