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As Richard Wagner received from the Scandinavian folk-lore the inspiration for his great music, as Tennyson found the incentive for The Idylls of the Kings in Malory's Morte d'Arthur, so the modern Celtic poets turned back to the primitive legends of their country for tales of Cuchulain who fought the sea, Caolte who besieged the castle of the gods, Oisin, who wandered three hundred years in the land of the immortals, and Deirdre who stands in the same relation to Celtic literature as Helen to Greek and Brunnhilde to German literature.

All the degraded like to show off the remains of their accomplishments, and you may hear some odious being warbling. "Ah, che la morte!" with quite the air of a leading tenor.

An interesting contrast may be made between a comic passage of the "Arcadia," representing a fight between two cowards, and perhaps the only scene in the "Morte d'Arthur" of humorous intent, that in which King Mark is ignominiously put to flight by Arthur's court fool disguised in the armor of a knight.

She dreamed that the whole flat was filled up from floor to ceiling with a huge piece of iron, and that if they could only get the iron out they would all be light-hearted and happy. Waking, she realized that it was not the iron but Dymov's illness that was weighing on her. "Nature morte, port..." she thought, sinking into forgetfulness again. "Sport... Kurort... and what of Shrek?

Ah! she is no better than others of her class, and she was coquetting with me in order to insure her lover a position! Well! one more illusion is destroyed. Ecclesiastes was right. 'Inveni amarivrem morte mulierem', 'woman is more bitter than death'!" Twilight had come, and it was already dark in the forest.

The Red Cross men and their rolling kitchens came to the front, but no women. Somehow in pain and sickness no hand can sooth like a woman's. Perhaps God meant it to be so. Here at Morte Fontaine was the first time a woman had ever worked in a field hospital. The Salvation Army women worked all that drive.

But Homer and Virgil had been unlocked for him; and in the school library he found Shakespeare and Chaucer, 'Morte d'Arthur' and 'Don Quixote, fresh and endless material for his drawing, which never stopped.

A general makes sometimes a fortunate mistake which brings about the winning of a great battle; and do they not sing on the eve of Easter, in the churches of the Roman rite: O certe necessarium Adae peccatum, quod Christi morte deletum est! O felix culpa, quae talem ac tantum meruit habere Redemptorem!

The Morte d'Arthur is seen, the Idylls are laboriously imagined. The Idylls, again, are full of an everyday morality the praise of civic virtues, the evolution of types and how tiresome they thus become! but in the Morte d'Arthur there is only a prophetic mysticism, which is all the more noble because it is so remote from common things.

His mother, her hands held up over her head, and in them two plaits of hair "couleur de feuille morte," as little Jon had not yet learned to call it had looked at him with eyes like little bits of his brown velvet tunic, and answered: "No, darling, I won't."