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Non indignemur mortalia corpora solvi Cernimus exemplis oppida posse mori. Here are several manufactories of excellent lace and many breweries, but the beer is considered as greatly inferior to that of Louvain. The houses are spacious, and exhibit singular specimens of ancient taste; the roofs rise to a great height and terminate in a sharp point.

But the poet, toward whom he had quickly turned, did not hear him. He stood withdrawn into his own thoughts. A shaft of sun, piercing through the ilex trees, laid upon his white toga a sudden sheen of gold, and Maecenas heard him say softly to himself, in a voice whose harmonies he felt he had never wholly gauged before, Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt.

The workman sold his tools, bought a spade and a pickax, and fled to the gold; the lawyer flung down his parchment and off to the gold; the penny-a-liner his brass pen and off to a greater wonder than he had ever fabricated; the schoolmaster to whom little boys were puzzling out Quid non mortalia pectora cogis Auri sacra fames

He took up the medal he had been examining, and the magnifying glass, in a manner that implied a sort of ostentatious protest to himself that the calm and even tenour of his own life and occupations was not to be disturbed from its course by all the follies and extravagances of the world around him. But "mentem mortalia tangunt!"

Sunt lachrymae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt. The melancholy Heraclitus, whose philosophy allures while it saddens us, declares we never traverse the same river twice; the water over which we once crossed has long since sped away to the eternal seas.

Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma, At sperate Deos memores fandi atque nefandi.

It is not creditable to the great, powerful, and enlightened nations of Europe, that for several centuries they have, for the sake of a profitable trade, submitted to these insolent and insulting pretensions, equally contrary to the first principles of the law of nature and of revealed religion the natural equality of mankind "'Auri sacra fames, quid non mortalia pectora cogis?

It was no doubt written in a tone calculated to affect him deeply, since it induced him to form a resolution, which could only be carried into execution by the tenderest and most generous sympathy for his unhappy friend. Sunt hie etiam sua proemia laudi, Sunt lachrymae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt. E'en the mute walls relate the victim's fame. And sinner's tears the good man's pity claim.

Aut Deus, aut vacui certè mens tertia coeli, Per tua secretò guttura serpit agens; Serpit agens, facilisque docet mortalia corda Sensim immortali assuescere posse sono. I think the Lover would have been staggered, if he had gone about to express the same thought in English. I am sure, Sydney has no nights like this.

I should never need to try again. There are some lines in the Master that life alone can translate. Sunt lachrymae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt. After a turn or two in silence, Sir James broke off his pacing and came to me. "Sir," he said, "you will know enough to excuse my inattention to a guest. I must make it up if I can. Give me the lantern and wait for us here, Inskip.