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We soon enough reflect, however, that we ourselves have come by them almost only <i>through</i> him, exquisite spirit that he was, and that when we enjoy, or at least when we encounter, in our William Morrises, in our Rossettis and Burne-Joneses, the note of the haunted or over- charged consciousness, we are but treated, with other matters, to repeated doses of diluted Botticelli.

After awhile this feeling became so strong that he seated himself upon a stone to think. "I haven't been as neighborly as I might have been," he reflected: "there's many a turn been wanting by these new-comers, the Morrises, that I might have tended to, if I hadn't been so wrapped up in my own affairs.

She and Paul had been so charmed with Kinnicutt and Lakeside; and there had happened to be a furnished house to let for the season close by the Morrises, and they had persuaded papa to take it. They were tired of the seashore, and Conway was getting crowded to death. They wanted a real summer in the country. And then this had turned up about the mills!

"You are a relative of the Morrises?" he asked Lee, turning from the menu set before him in a miniature silver frame. This Lee Randon admitted, and Grove's eyebrows mounted. "Can't anything be done with the young man?" "How are you succeeding with the young woman?" Lee returned. "Oh, women " William Grove waved his hand; "you can't argue with women.

As I was running along the sidewalk, I heard some one speak to me, and looking up I saw Charlie Montague. I had heard the Morrises say that his parents were staying at the hotel for a few weeks, while their house was being repaired. He had his Irish setter, Brisk, with him, and a handsome dog he was, as he stood waving his silky tail in the sunlight.

He had been a general in a war that took place in the South a good many years ago, and was often entertained at dinner at the Morrises'. Though he was a well-informed, genial man, he was almost rude in making himself heard, so determined was he that people should listen to his jokes and stories, which were generally something about himself.

I should like to know what the Morrises, and Lind Murray, and the Philipse boys and girls, and our De Lancey cousins, and the rest, would think to hear themselves called a set of rustics." "Why," says Phil, "beside her ladyship here, are they not a set of rustics?" With which he kissed her, and rose to go to his room.

Shortly after Baker's death, four Griffins, of the White-Howard faction, ambushed Big John Philpotts and his cousin, wounding the former severely and the latter mortally. Big John fought them from behind a log and killed all four. On July 17, 1899, four of the Philpotts were attacked by four Morrises, of the Howard side.

A parrot there I saw, with gaudy pride Of painted plumes, that hopped from side to side. "How did you happen to get away from the Morrises?" asked my brother. The red-bird laughed heartily, as if the recollection were exceedingly amusing. "Well," said he, "it all came about through Johnny's having a tea party.

"Sam, is it you?" called out James Morris presently. "Yes!" was the feeble answer. "Where are you?" "Here, by the old split hickory. Jest about lost my wind, too." "We'll soon be with you," answered James Morris. There was a row of brushwood to the south of the split hickory tree, and in the shelter of this the Morrises moved forward as rapidly as possible.