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"The syndicate is taking considerable risk in sending you to the Iditarod at this time. Suppose those coal cases should be called, with you winter-bound up there. Why, the Chugach trial couldn't go on." "I am identified with the Morganstein interests there, I admit; but why should the Chugach claims be classed with conspiracies to defraud the Government?

Lighter told me how you drove those colts through that day, and I was disappointed not to hear from you. You didn't let me know you had an investment already, and it never occurred to me, afterwards, that you were our Mrs. Weatherbee." Then, introductions being over, he assisted Miss Morganstein into the tonneau with the bridal couple and gave the seat in front to Mrs. Weatherbee.

"Aren't they lovely and prodigal enough to color whole fields?" Elizabeth laughed. "Frederic must have ordered wholesale, or else he forgot they were in season." Beatriz lifted her face. "Did Mr. Morganstein send these violets?" she asked. "I thought but there was no card." "Why, I don't know," said Elizabeth, "but who else would have ordered whole fields of them?" Mrs.

It was yours, wasn't it? Thought so. Bought a hundred copies. Mrs. Feversham is going to take 'em east to distribute in Washington. Double blue-pencilled one, 'specially for the President." Jimmie smiled, blushing. "That's more than I deserve, but I'm afraid, even if it reaches his hands, he won't take the time to read it." "You leave that to Mrs. Feversham," replied Morganstein.

I've got to catch the local for Wenatchee; the eastbound don't make our station, and I'm booked for a little run through to Washington, D.C." "That so?" answered Morganstein thoughtfully. "I came over just to look at this orchard of yours. See here, wait a minute." He unbuttoned his heavy coat and, finding a pocket, drew out a time-card.

But Morganstein laid his hand on her arm to detain her. "What's your hurry?" he asked thickly. "All we got to do now is keep their trail. Tracks are clear as day." "We shall delay them; they will wait." She tried to pass him, but they had reached the step from the spur, and he swung around to block the narrow way. "Not yet," he said. "This is the moment I've been waiting for.

Her shoulder trembled under his hold, her limbs gave, and she sank down, to her knees at first, then to her elbow. Even then she moved her head enough to look backward over the abyss. "The train," she whispered and, shuddering, dropped her face on her relaxed arm. Morganstein ventured to glance back.

Present laws can be easily amended and enforced to fit nearly every situation until better ones are framed. The settler and prospector should have privileges, but at the same time the Government must put some restriction on speculation and monopoly." Behind the awning Jimmie's pencil was racing down the page, and Morganstein dropped his head back on the pillow; a purplish flush rose in his face.

"I am proud to know that; my, yes." "And I am proud of you, Mr. Banks. It seems incredible, but Miss Morganstein told me you rescued her brother, too. I've tried and tried to remember, but I am not able. You must have carried me, at least, all of the way." Banks glanced at Elizabeth, who was seated beyond the couch. She had laid a warning finger to her lips and shook her head.

There was no one else in sight, though as I stepped over the side, I heard a victrola playing down below. 'How are you? he said. 'Have a seat. Then he scowled down the companionway and called: 'Elizabeth, stop that infernal machine, will you? "The music was turned off, and pretty soon Miss Morganstein came up the stairs.