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She was still strumming her waltz, and did not hear Mordaunt enter behind her. "I saw a most lovely thing to-day," she went on. "One of those heart-shaped things that are still hearts even if you turn them upside down." "Is that an advantage?" asked Mordaunt. She whizzed round on the music-stool. "Trevor! I wish you wouldn't make me jump.

This to Miss Payne, as they rose from luncheon where Katherine had told her the contents of her letter. "Ahem! No doubt they are anxious to show you every attention. Would you like to take Turner with you? I could spare her very well." Turner was the maid expressly engaged to wait upon Miss Liddell. "Oh no, thank you, I want so little waiting on. Lady Alice Mordaunt will be with Mrs.

Before you can love him, you must believe his word that he loves you; and believing he loves you, he will make you good and happy. God has given the Bible to tell of his love to you. Read it, my child; believe it." Mrs. Harrison came in just then, and Mrs. Mordaunt, after saying a few words to her, rose to leave. That evening Amy took out her Bible with a new interest.

The instant this good parent made up his mind to accept Miss Mordaunt as a daughter, he began to consider her as a child of his own." "And Anneke Miss Mordaunt, herself, Mr. Bulstrode -does she regard Sir Harry as a father?" "Why, that must be coming by slow degrees, as a matter of course, you know.

She certainly was tired. "I feel as if to-day had lasted for about six weeks," she said. But her animation did not wane in spite of this, and she would even have returned to her labours after they had dined had Mordaunt permitted it. He was firm upon this point, however, and again without protest she yielded. "You were going to show me something. What was it?" "To be sure," he said.

The substance of what we heard was as follows: In the first effort to reach the western shore, Herman Mordaunt had been met by the very obstacle which Guert had foreseen and he turned south, hoping to find some spot at which to land, by going farther from the dam that had formed above.

Muller had lately left home to arrange for the sale of his corn, and had announced that he might perhaps pay a visit to his son Mordaunt in the camp at Lexington. Cora was expecting a letter from him, and the hope that 'Dr.

At the end of the meal he addressed her with quiet authority. "Chris, you must rest this afternoon. Your aunt will excuse you." "Certainly," said Aunt Philippa stiffly. Chris rose from the table in unbroken silence. She came slowly down the long room. Mordaunt got up to open the door, and followed her out. "Don't worry about me, please!" Chris besought him as he closed the door behind them.

Persevering, steady, crafty, and possessing, to an eminent degree, that happy art of "canting" which opens the readiest way to character and consequence, the rise and reputation of Mr. Vavasour Mordaunt appeared less to be wondered at than envied; yet, even envy was only for those who could not look beyond the surface of things. He was at heart an anxious and unhappy man.

It was Spurling's hand which had kept the boat steady in the boiling rapids of the White Horse, when he and Mordaunt had lost their nerve yes, that same hand which was now plucking restlessly at the untrimmed beard which fringed that crafty, sullen face. How incredible it seemed that this body should contain the same man, and that the change should have taken place in five years!