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He accordingly hung over it with the most greedy appetite, feasting his nostrils with the steams of animal putrefaction; and at length declared that the morceau was passable, though he owned it would have been highly perfect, had it been kept another week.

"Madame Rocamier for years had a circle of friends who met every afternoon in her salon from four to six o'clock, for the simple and sole pleasure of talking with each other. The very first wits and men of letters and statesmen and savans were enrolled in it, and each brought to the entertainment some choice morceau which he had laid aside from his own particular field to add to the feast.

In excellent accord these tenors and basses, so blameless in their living, lifted up their voices and sang they "would that the wavelets of ocean were wavelets of sparkling champagne!" It was a blithe and rippling morceau if one could forget the well-nigh cosmic depravity of it; but Miss Caroline, it appeared, was not able to forget.

"We always go to luncheon sans ceremonie." The table was gay with Sevres china and majolica ware, but the viands were poor and scanty, and the victuals few and far between. One man of healthy appetite could easily have laid bare dishes that had been prepared for seven, when five morning callers having been invited to remain, so lessened the morceau for each guest.

The only fault the critic has in his power to charge the wondrous artist with is, that, when she repeats a morceau, we hear exactly the same traits, the same turns, the same fioriture, which was never the case with Malibran or Cinti-Damoreau." "This vocal scale," says Scudo, speaking of her voice, "is divided into three parts or registers, which follow in complete order.

C'est apres l'analyse de ce morceau, considere surtout du point de vue du fond, de la disposition de ce qu'on pourrait appeler la charpente qu'ont ete faits les deux portraits que je vous donne."

Philipp's collection is published in Paris by J. Hamelle, and is prefixed by some interesting remarks of Georges Mathias. Chopin's portrait in 1833, after Vigneron, is included. One composition more is to be considered. In 1837 Chopin contributed the sixth variation of the march from "I Puritani." These variations were published under the title: "Hexameron: Morceau de Concert.

Among other things the little fellow performed a morceau of his own composition, which was full of pathos, and gave tokens of uncommon ability. His father gave us sonatas of Mozart, Chopin, &c., and a polonaise. The Princess Czartoryski accompanied on the piano with extraordinary ability. That was an evening to be remembered a lifetime.

It's a morceau de vie, as the French say. Auberon. Oh, don't begin on the French! Amicia. It's a French experiment que voulez-vous? Auberon. English experiments will do. Dorriforth. No doubt they would if there were any. But I don't see them. Amicia. Fortunately: think what some of them might be!

Janice smiled pleasantly, and placing herself in the closest possible proximity with the ear trumpet, at once rendered the desired morceau in a style which would have done credit to a soloist in a café chantant. Aunt Mary’s lips wreathed in seraphic bliss. "My!" she said. "I feel just as if I was back eatin’ crabs’ legs and tails again.