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In the midst of an echoing hubbub the boat was hauled up and moored, and the party reached their log shelter. The following day was spent by our trio in exploring the woods near Millinokett Lake, in listening to more moose-talk, and in attempting the trick of calling.

But once let him get a kick at you with his forefeet, and one thing is sure you'll never kick again. Are you tired of moose-talk yet?" "Not by a jugful!" answered Cyrus, laughing. "But tell us, Herb, how are we to proceed to get a sight of this 'Jabberwock' alive?" "If to-morrow night happens to be dead calm, I might try to call one up," answered the guide.

"You'll have to give us no end of moose-talk by the camp-fire of evenings. These English fellows want to learn all they can about the finest game on our continent before they go home." "Why, for evermore!" gasped Herb, in broad amazement. "Are you Britishers? And have you crossed the ocean to chase moose in Maine woods? My word! You're a gamy pair of kids.

The three looked up at their guide, on whose weather-tanned face the fire shed wavering lights, in lazy expectation. "Now, Herb," said Garst, "we want to think of nothing but moose for the remainder of this trip; so go ahead, and give us some moose-talk to-night. Begin at the beginning, as the children say, and tell us everything you know about the animal."