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"You mean Miss Pratt?" she inquired, dreamily, her eyes following the progress of her son. "No, he really doesn't look well at all." "Is she going to visit the Parchers all summer?" Mr. Baxter insisted. "She already has, about," said Mrs. Baxter. "Look at that boy!" the father grumbled. "Mooning along with those other moon-calves can't even let her go to church alone!

Do you see, I say, yonder thing at a mile's distance, that looks like a finger-post, or rather like a gallows? I would it had a dreaming fool hanging upon it, as an example to all meditative moon-calves! Yon gibbet-looking pole will guide you to the bridge, where you must pass the large brook; then proceed straight forwards, till several roads divide at a cairn.

"This only makes them hardy," cries the advocate of the robust school, who believes that hard work is good for everybody, even for women, yet carefully avoids it himself avoids even hard thinking, which might teach him better doctrine. "It is thus that women become the mothers of a race of heroes." Heroes! Moon-calves, rather; but we shall see. Mr. Children are not carefully tended and reared.

The moon hath its court, and the court hath its moon-calves: unto all, however, that cometh from the court do the mendicant people pray, and all appointable mendicant virtues. "I serve, thou servest, we serve" so prayeth all appointable virtue to the prince: that the merited star may at last stick on the slender breast!