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I am Czar; my subjects are mine by purchase, and no one can escape from my kingdom, which is a hundred leagues from any human settlement, hemmed in by savages on the interior, and divided from the sea by a wilderness as wide as France." "I should prefer a garret here." "So thought I," said Montes, "since I sold all my land and possessions at Rio to come back to Madame Marneffe."

From the time of the Romans, the white marble of the Montes Lunenses has been used for decorative purposes in many of the churches and public buildings of Italy. It formed the material out of which Michael Angelo, Canova, and Thorwaldsen chiselled their immortal works.

Cenimagni, or Iceni, an ancient people of Britain, inhabiting the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Huntingdonshire Cenis Mons, that part of the Alps which separates Savoy from Piedmont Cenni, an ancient people of Celtic extraction Cerauni Montes, Mountains of Epirus, Monti di Chimera

"Parturiunt montes" is an easy verdict to pronounce; it remains to be proved whether in this case it is a just one to render.

And besides she is in debt. How much do you owe?" asked Carabine, nipping Cydalise's arm. "She is worth all she can get," said the old woman. "The point is that she can find a buyer." "Listen!" cried Montes, fully aware at last of this masterpiece of womankind "you will show me Valerie " "And Count Steinbock. Certainly!" said Madame Nourrisson.

At present I shall again make the same suggestion, as it appears to me important for the service of your Majesty. The Marques of Montes Claros, viceroy of Nueva Hespaña, last year made the allotment of the money which your Majesty has graciously permitted to be assigned to the citizens of these islands.

Martin's Cove near Cape Horn; the third at Port Desire in Patagonia; the fourth at anchor in a wild harbour in the peninsula of Tres Montes, this fifth here, and the next, I trust in Providence, will be in England. We attended divine service in the chapel of Pahia; part of the service being read in English, and part in the native language.

That, men said, was the great Count Schomberg, the first soldier in Europe, since Turenne and Conde were gone, the man whose genius and valour had saved the Portuguese monarchy on the field of Montes Claros, the man who had earned a still higher glory by resigning the truncheon of a Marshal of France for the sake of the true religion.

But to save time, perhaps delay, I suggest you take this Mexican, Senor Montes, with you. He outranks Don Carlos and knows the captain of the Mezquital detachment." "Ah! Then Don Carlos is not in command of the forces holding Stewart?" "No." "I thank you, sir. I shall not forget your kindness," concluded Madeline. She bowed to Senor Montes, and requested him to enter the car.

Why! it is Valerie!" cried Montes, violently slamming the door. Madame Marneffe, too genuinely agitated to dissemble her feelings, dropped on to the chair by the fireplace. Two tears rose to her eyes, and at once dried away. She looked at Montes, saw the girl, and burst into a cackle of forced laughter.