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During the time that he was writing the eruption of Vesuvius occurred, and he has described it with the zeal of a witness. "Sic ubi prorupti tonuit cum forte Vesevi Hesperiae letalis apex; vixdum ignea montem Torsit hiems, iamque Eoas einis induit urbes."

This he said, opening his breviary. Come forward, thou and I must be somewhat serious for a while; let me peruse thee stiffly. Beatus vir qui non abiit. Pshaw, I know all this by heart; let us see the legend of Mons. St. Nicholas. Horrida tempestas montem turbavit acutum. Tempest was a mighty flogger of lads at Mountagu College.

For nothing in life, as you say, ma'm; that is, nothing in high life, I'm sure, ma'm; nay, I dare a'most venture to swear. Would you believe it, Mr. Talbot is one of the few young gentlemen of Eton that has not bespoke from me a fancy dress for this grand Montem? Landlady. There, Mr. Newington; there's your Talbot for you! and there's your grandees! O trust me, I know your scrubs at first sight.

The nuns needed no light, knowing the office by heart: "Delicta quis intelligit? ab occultis meis munda me, et ab alienis parce servo tuo" "Who can comprehend what sin is? Cleanse me from my hidden sins, and from those of others save Thy servant." The antiphon followed the Gloria, and then the soft womanly voices chanted the twenty-third Psalm: "Quis ascendit in montem Domini?"

The boy was evidently well prepared, for he was often captain of his division, and his letters frequently tell of successes of this kind, while they anticipate 'Montem.

Then, as to my brother, he has such abilities, and such industry, he will make a fortune at the bar for himself, most certainly. Mrs. Talb. But his education is not completed. How shall we provide him with money at Cambridge? Louisa. This Montem. The last time the captain had eight hundred, the time before a thousand, pounds. Oh, I hope I fear!

A rough looking Farmer is sitting with his back towards them, eating bread and cheese, and reading a newspaper. Landlady. Well, this, to be sure, will be the best dressed Montem that ever was seen at Eton; and you Lon'on gentlemen have the most fashionablest notions; and this is the most elegantest fancy cap Finsbury. Why, as you observe, ma'm, that is the most elegant fancy cap of them all.

But then what's the good of that if she's going to change it for Nokes? Oh, Montem, is it, Susan? And is your papa your father alive? Nokes. That's capital! I mean I'm so sorry. Poor girl! Your father's dead, is he? You're sure he's dead? Nokes. And your mamma, your excellent mamma, she's alive, at all events? Susan. No, sir; I am an orphan. I love orphans. I'm an orphan myself.

"Montem," so called, perhaps, from the ceremony of a boy flourishing a flag on a small mount, occurs every third year, when the upper boys are dressed as officers, and the fags, resembling sailors, in white trowsers and blue jackets. Thus they are obliged to expose themselves to a multitude, while they walk to Salt Hill, where they dine.

General Craigs sets off for Ireland in about a week or ten days. I shall send my box of things for the children, either by him or Mr. Kinsman. . . . The Montem is put off from Monday till Wednesday, for the convenience of their Majesties, who are to be there.