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Three young nobles of Milan, educated in the classic literature by Montano, a distinguished Bolognese scholar, had imbibed from their studies of Greek and Latin history an ardent thirst for liberty and a deadly hatred of tyrants. Their names were Carlo Visconti, Girolamo Olgiati, and Giannandrea Lampugnani.

A feller named Montano undertakes to slap Cassio, when that infatooated person runs his sword into him. That miserble man, Iago, pretents to be very sorry to see Mike conduck hisself in this way & undertakes to smooth the thing over to Otheller, who rushes in with a drawn sword & wants to know what's up.

Luis de Leon en su celda, que habia venido á sus manos un libro estrañamente curioso, el cual le habia dado Arias Montano... y que en el principio del libro contaba una revelacion que habia tenido el que lo compuso, estando de noche orando, que vió en la oscuridad una luz, y que della oyó que salia una voz que dijo: Quomodò obscuratum est aurum, mutatus est color optimus! y que temiéndose este declarante no fuese algun mal libro, le habia mucha instancia que le dijese si habia en él alguna herejía, y que el dicho Fr.

Cortés reached Tlascala in safety, and at once began to prepare his revenge on the Mexicans, aided by reinforcements of a few Spaniards from Vera Cruz. Gunpowder had also to be manufactured, and a cavalier named Francio Montaño undertook the perilous task of obtaining sulphur for the purpose from the terrible volcano of Popocatepetl.

The party cast lots, and it fell on Montano himself to descend in a basket into this hideous abyss, into which he was lowered by his companions to the depth of 400 feet! This was repeated several times, till the adventurous cavalier had collected a sufficient quantity of sulphur for the wants of the army."

The Spanish artillery is a splendid body, and is officered from the best families in the country. In the only military insurrection in which the common soldiers shot some of the officers obnoxious to them that of the Montaño Barracks, in 1866 the leader of the mutinists was a certain hidalgo.

Montano scowled fiercely. "But they wanted that little worldlet. So we went all over it to be sure there were no rare minerals there, and finally leased it to them, a century at a time. They mine the place for some kind of powdered lubricant that's better than graphite it's all done by robot machinery, no one's stationed there.

I have been acting epics while you have been writing them." "Come on, I tell you!" thundered Muscari from above. "Will you stand there talking nonsense about yourself with a woman to save and three strong men to help you? What do you call yourself?" "I call myself Montano," cried the strange courier in a voice equally loud and full.

"Sounds like it might be Three talking!" Hedrick growled, "Why waste time talking? Listen, young Steele, you'll do as you're told, or else! Who gave you the right to argue?" "Quiet, both of you." Montano came and laid his arm around Bart's shoulders, persuasively. "Bart, I know how you feel. But can't you trust me?

He was to be asked one question again and again in the days that followed, but his real answer was to Meta and Raynor Three, looking quietly past Raynor One and speaking to the news cameras that would carry his words all over the galaxy to men and Lhari: "Why didn't I keep it for myself? Because there are always men like Montano, who in their mistaken pride will murder and steal for such things.