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So home to supper and to bed. 20th. At his lodgings this morning there came to him Mr. W. Montague's fine lady, which occasioned my Lord's calling me to her about some business for a friend of hers preferred to be a midshipman at sea. My Lord recommended the whole matter to me. She is a fine confident lady, I think, but not so pretty as I once thought her.

On reaching Green Isle, Corrie and Alice were married, and on the same day Bumpus and Susan were also united. There was great rejoicing on the occasion. Ole Thorwald and Dick Price distinguished themselves by dancing an impromptu and maniacal pas de deux at the double wedding! Of Captain Montague's future career we know nothing.

But notwithstanding his magnificence, the worthy chaplain did not fail to remark that 'my good master seemed ill at ease, and the vertigo seizing him during the ceremony, he must have fallen had I not caught him something cunningly under the arm-pits, assisted by worthy Master Holder and one of the groomsmen. The chaplain, who seems to have been as blind as became his reverend character, cannot forbear from expressing his admiration of the Lady Mabel, whom he describes as 'fair and comely in colour, like the bloom of the spring rose; of a buxom stature, and of a lofty gait and gestures withal. What was she doing at Sir Montague's wedding?

Duncombe indeed had his own reasons for hating Montague, who had turned him out of the place of Cashier of the Excise. A serious charge was brought against the Board of Treasury, and especially against its chief. He was the inventor of Exchequer Bills; and they were popularly called Montague's notes.

From this moment, Mr Montague's jocularity and flow of spirits were remarkable. 'Do you find me at all changed since that time? he asked. 'Speak plainly. Jonas looked hard at his waistcoat and jewels; and said 'Rather, ecod! 'Was I at all seedy in those days? asked Montague. 'Precious seedy, said Jonas. Mr Montague pointed down into the street, where Bailey and the cab were in attendance.

A little remark stayed in Montague's mind as expressing the attitude of Society toward such matters. Major Venable had chanced to remark jestingly that children were coming to understand so much nowadays that it was necessary for the ladies to be careful. To which Mrs. Vivie Patton answered, with a sudden access of seriousness: "I don't know do you find that children have any morals?

I'll attack her about the Palmers; if she is Mona Montague the girl that Ray Palmer loves she certainly will betray herself if I take her unawares; although she did not appear to know Mr. Palmer, last evening." Mona returned at this moment, and Mrs. Montague's musings were cut short.

"Will you please bring those plans?" he said; and to Montague's surprise he proceeded to spread before him a complete copy of the old reports of the Northern Mississippi survey, together with the surveyor's original drawings. "Did Mr. Carter let you have them?" Montague asked; and the other smiled a dry smile. "We have them," he said.

Also, it said, there was a brilliant social queen, wife of a great banker, who had taken up the cudgels. And then came three sentences more, which made the blood leap like flame into Montague's cheeks: "There have not been lacking comments upon her suspicious ardour.

Studied conclusions of letters. Whether allowable in dying men to maintain resentment to the last. Instructions for writing the lives of literary men. Fingal denied to be genuine, and pleasantly ridiculed. September 23. Further disquisition concerning Fingal. Eminent men disconcerted by a new mode of publick appearance. Garrick. Mrs. Montague's Essay on Shakspeare.