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Then the shot of the enemy had passed between the masts and the rigging; but scarcely one had struck the hull, nor had a man been hurt, so they had begun to fancy that fighting was a very bloodless affair. "What shall we do with the prisoners, if we take her, I wonder?" asked Tom. "We've got Monsieurs enough on board already."

And why witty, out of your wisdome? Buz. Man. Well, sir, Ile not be hookd then now. Buz. Hen. France is an excellent country. Man. Oh, a brave one. Hen. Your Monsieurs gallant sparkes. Man. Hen. Tush, England breeds more apes than Barbary. How chance my father came not home with you? Man. He was too hard tyed by the leg with busines. Hen. What busines? Man. Tis but stepping into France.

"Suppose now they were for to go for to cover up their ships with padding, or thick coats of wood or iron, just as men once had to do their bodies, I've heard tell, when they went to battle, not that in the matter of ships it could be done on course, ha! ha! ha! but we never knows what vagaries the Monsieurs may try. Well, what should we do? Stand and play at long bowls with them?

The mainmast, too, had been severely wounded; and though some of the carpenter's crew were busy in lashing and otherwise strengthening it, great fears were felt for its safety. "If that goes," exclaimed Paul Pringle, who saw the accident, "those rascally Monsieurs will get off after all!"

Upon our arrival at Batavia, we were informed the two French Ships, commanded by the Monsieurs Beaugainvile, touched at that place in their way home from the South Seas two years ago.

"He lies!" she screamed shrilly, addressing the policeman. "He came to my room while I was alone, and for no good purpose. When I repulsed him he would have killed me had not my screams attracted these gentlemen, who were passing the house at the time. He is a devil, monsieurs; alone he has all but killed ten men with his bare hands and his teeth."

Many arts of indirection were employed by eligible madames, monsieurs, and visiting notables of both sexes to remove that invisible yet formidable barrier of reserve. Courteous evasion or mild indifference or other countercraft parried every assault. In some few instances, vague or more positive-mannered "cuts" silenced curious inquiry, but these were rare.

"Well, I do think it's a shame we small chaps, as have never done anybody any harm, should be made to sit here to be shot at by them Monsieurs out there that I do," continued Tim Fid. "For my part, I do think that the Captain ought to let us little ones go down and stow ourselves comfortably away in the hold. Don't you, Gipples?"

Now, boys, we'll show the Monsieurs what we can do." Just then came the word along the decks "Fire!" And the guns on the starboard side, with a loud roar, sent forth their missiles of death. While the crew were running them in to re-load, the enemy fired in return; their shot came crashing against the sides, some sweeping the upper deck, others making their way through the ports.

Our friend the Duke of Orleans, gentlemen," the Admiral added, smiling ironically. "To wear these badges and shout for him," replied Jude, displaying the contents of his parcel, a couple of dozen red woollen tuques. "No objection," the Admiral answered; "no objection in the world, but what is the object?" "Well, Monsieur Admiral " "Shut up with your 'Monsieurs', spy," called Hache.