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The avoided, but still tolerated Bravo descended to his gondola, and the usual signals were given to the multitude beneath, who believed the customary ceremonies were ended. "Let the gondolier of Don Camillo Monforte stand forth," cried a herald, obedient to the beck of a superior. "Highness, here," answered Gino, troubled and hurried. "Thou art of Calabria?" "Highness, yes."

There are few nobles in Venice, or indeed in the Sicilies, who have a more scholarly hand, with a quill, than Don Camillo Monforte; I could not do the thing half so well myself." "I am no clerk," observed the Bravo, without betraying shame at the confession.

Don Camillo Monforte, whom God protect until we have no future use for his influence! had come near to prevail against us; but just as the state baffled his well laid schemes, the lady has been thrown by hazard into the hands of the rioters, since which time there is no account of her movements!" Paolo Soranzo secretly hoped she was in the arms of the Neapolitan.

"Thou art Jacopo Frontoni?" said the stranger. "None else." "Thou hast a hand to serve an employer faithfully?" "I keep my faith." "'Tis well, thou wilt find a hundred sequins in this sack." "Whose life is set against this gold?" asked Jacopo, in an under tone. "Don Camillo Monforte." "Don Camillo Monforte!" "The same; dost thou know the rich noble!" "You have well described him, Signore.

"Don Camillo Monforte, I am, like yourself, a Christian." "Ha! Thou knowest me 'tis Battista, the gondolier that I once entertained in my household?" "Signore, 'tis not Battista." As he spoke, the stranger faced the moon, in a manner that threw all of its mild light upon his features.

Your dishonest people can never believe one can do an act of pure conscience. But here comes the Neapolitan. The door opened, and Don Camillo Monforte entered. There was an appearance of distrust in his manner, which proved that he did not expect to meet his bride.

"Thou art well defended. Should the two latter fail thee, thou mayest surely count on the first!" "Signor Monforte has an illustrious name, and he is welcome to our Venetian sports," observed the Doge, slightly bending his head towards the young Calabrian noble, who stood at no great distance in a gondola of state, regarding the scene with a deeply-interested countenance.

"Here have been sundry charges found in different lions' mouths against the Neapolitan, Signor Don Camillo Monforte. I leave it to your wisdom, my illustrious colleagues, to decide on their character." "An excess of malice betrays its own origin," exclaimed the least practised member of the Inquisition.

A certain Jacopo Frontoni, that hath his abode somewhere near the arsenal?" "Cospetto! Signor' Duca, the man is as well known to us gondoliers as the bridge of the Rialto! Your eccellenza has no need to trouble yourself to describe him." Don Camillo Monforte was searching among the papers of a secretaire.

"If it were possible to convey to Don Camillo Monforte a knowledge of our situation but thou art too inexperienced for the service!" "Believe it not, Signora," interrupted the generous Gelsomina, whose pride began to stimulate her natural sympathies with one so near her own age, and one too, like herself, subject to that passion which engrosses a female heart.