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IX. Once when the Athenians were asking for subscriptions for some festival, and all the others had paid their subscriptions, Phokion, after he had been frequently asked to subscribe, answered, "Ask these rich men: for my part I should be ashamed of myself if I were to give money to you, and not pay what I owe to this man here," pointing to Kallikles the money-lender.

Godwin Markham, money-lender, of Conduit Street, is the same person as Gabriel Chestermarke, banker, of Scarnham. That's flat! And now that we've got to know that much, how much nearer am I to finding out the real thing that I'm after?" "Which is exactly what?" asked Easleby. "I was called in," answered Starmidge, "to find out the secret of John Horbury's disappearance.

Jarvice who sent the telegram was Mr. Jarvice, the money-lender. Thus did Chayne work it out in his thoughts: "Jarvice, for some reason unknown, pays Walter Hine an allowance. Walter Hine gives it out that he receives it from his grandfather, whose heir he undoubtedly is, and being a vain person much exaggerates the amount.

It must indeed have often happened that whole families were utterly homeless; and in those days there were no insurance offices, no benefit societies, no philanthropic institutions to rescue the suffering from undeserved misery. As we shall see later on, they were constantly in debt, and in the hands of the money-lender; and against his extortions their judicial remedies were most precarious.

Then Lablache's hand flew to his pocket. He had heard the click of a cocking revolver. For the moment the rancher's old spirit rose superior to his senile debility. "God in heaven! And this is how you've robbed me, you you bastard!" "Poker" John's seared face was at that moment the face of a maniac. He literally hurled his fury at the money-lender, who was now standing confronting him.

While he pondered, the man whose entry had seemed to disturb Gerald came to his table and sat down opposite. "You obviously know young Osborn," he remarked. Thorn said nothing for a moment or two. Hallam was not a public money-lender, but sometimes negotiated private loans for extravagant young men about town.

I have made a gentleman of you, you must make a nobleman of yourself. Those were almost the last words of the stern, thrifty, old Puritan craftsman, and his son never forgot them. From a mill-owner he grew to coal- owner, shipowner, banker, railway director, money-lender to kings and princes; and last of all, as the summit of his own and his compeer's ambition, to land-owner.

A man of property like Evgenie to give IOU's to a money-lender, and to be worried about them! It is ridiculous. Besides, he cannot possibly be on such intimate terms with Nastasia Philipovna as she gave us to understand; that's the principal part of the mystery! He has given me his word that he knows nothing whatever about the matter, and of course I believe him.

Sometimes this man's victims were never heard of again. Sometimes they were discovered doing the "chores" round some obscure farmer's house. Anyway, ranch, crops, stock everything the man ever had would have passed into the hands of the money-lender, Lablache. Hard-headed dealer money-grubber as Lablache was, he had a weakness. To look at him to know him no one would have thought it, but he had.

'The Gods. Of what known faith art thou? the banker said, appalled. 'I follow the Law the Most Excellent Law. So it was the Gods that made Gunga. What like of Gods were they? The carriage looked at him in amazement. It was inconceivable that anyone should be ignorant of Gunga. 'What what is thy God? said the money-lender at last. 'Hear! said the lama, shifting the rosary to his hand.