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The hand, the tongue, the teeth these are all old friends of yours and I thought you would like to hear all about them. By-and-bye we shall be in the little black hole, and then we shall get on much more rapidly. I left off at the molars, which are the teeth one selects to crack nuts with; and if I remember rightly, we talked about different ways of cutting with scissors.

They appear after the seventeenth year. The front teeth are called incisors because they are used to cut the food. The back teeth are named molars because they are used in grinding the food. =Toothache.= Toothache is a common ailment, and yet it can be entirely prevented. A tooth does not ache until it has a hole in it. The tender nerve within gives us warning that it is being hurt.

Up to 1857 all the mammalian remains discovered in secondary rocks had consisted solely of single branches of the lower jaw, but in that year Mr. Beckles obtained the upper portion of a skull, and on the same slab the lower jaw of another quadruped with eight molars, a large canine, and a broad and thick incisor.

These are broad teeth with four or five points on each, and usually each molar has three roots. The last molars are known as the wisdom teeth, as they do not usually appear until the person has reached the "years of discretion." All animals that live on grass, hay, corn, and the cereals generally, have large grinding teeth, as the horse, ox, sheep, and elephant.

He stood in the alley and ranted and tore, debating the tariff with some one next door; he roasted the tariff on spigots and spoons while customers waited to purchase some prunes; he argued that congress is out for the pelf, and left his trade palace to wait on itself. And patrons got huffy, their molars they ground, while Griggins the grocer was fooling around.

The iron jaws of the 120-stamp mill grind incessantly, spitting pulverized rock and ore into the vats that quake under the mastication of the mighty molars; cars slip down into the bowels of the earth, and emerge laden with precious freight; multitudinous miners relieve one another, watch and watch.

Hence the form of dentition in man is very important. In the fully developed condition we have thirty-two teeth; of these eight are incisors, four canine, and twenty molars. The eight incisors, in the middle of the jaws, have certain characteristic differences above and below. In the upper jaw the inner incisors are larger than the outer; in the lower jaw the inner are the smaller.

In distinction from these, Aeluroidea never have more than two true molars below, and the cusps of their teeth are much more sharply edged, reaching in the sectorials the extreme of scissor-like specialization. In all of them the claws are more or less retractile, and they walk on the ends of their fingers and toes.

Sheep and goats agree together and differ from oxen in being usually of smaller size; the tail is shorter, the horns of females are much smaller than those of males, they lack the accessory column on the inner side of the upper molars, and the cannon bone is longer and more slender; but when it comes to a comparison of the one with the other, it is by no means always easy to tell the difference.

The three lower incisor teeth of the left side. can. i. The little canine teeth grouped with them. p. The toothless front part of the upper jaw. m. s. Upper molars or "grinders." m. i. Lower molars or grinders. Horizontal view of the teeth in the lower and upper jaw of the goat. Upper incisor. inc. i. Lower incisor. m. s., m. i. They are all alike.