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While we were there the doctor saw a case of a woman from whom this Æsculapius had attempted to extract an offending molar, his only instrument being a kind of miniature winch which screws on to the undesired tooth. Its action proved so prompt and powerful that not only did it remove the tooth intended, but four others as well, and the entire alveolar process connected with them.

Mantegazza, Prof., on last molar teeth of man; bright colours in male animals; on the ornaments of savages; on the beardlessness of the New Zealanders; on the exaggeration of natural characters by man. Mantell, W., on the engrossment of pretty girls by the New Zealand chiefs. Mantis, pugnacity of species of.

An analysis of their composition showed that the centre of larger lines was composed of three continuous series of markings which looked, under the lens, for all the world like the impressions of an endless straight series of molar teeth.

The older cases were cited as being only a repetition of the process by which Eve was born of Adam. Bartholinus, the Ephemerides, Otto, Paullini, Schurig, and Plot speak of instances of fetus in fetu. Ruysch describes a tumor contained in the abdomen of a man which was composed of hair, molar teeth, and other evidences of a fetus.

Eugene Dubois in 1891 on the banks of the Bengawan River, Java, and named by him Pithecanthropus erectus, he maintaining that it represents a new genus of upright animals, or even a new family. The remains found by him consisted of the upper part of a skull, a molar tooth, and a femur, possibly not belonging to a single individual, as they were somewhat separated.

The enamel also has an important part to play in the structure of the molar teeth. Each tooth is surrounded with the enamel plate, which is so intricately folded that the tooth looks as if it were made of a series of enamel triangles, each enclosing the tooth matter. This structure is common to all the members of the group to which the water-rat belongs.

The largest, called the parotid glands, lie, one on either side, in front of and below the ears. A duct from each gland passes forward along the cheek until it opens in the interior of the mouth, opposite the second molar tooth in the upper jaw. Next in size to the parotids are the submaxillary glands.

It is the more remarkable because we find a somewhat similar structure in the molar teeth of the elephants, which, like the rodents, have the incisor teeth largely developed and widely separated from the molars. There is nothing in the appearance of the water-rat which gives any indication of its aquatic habits.

Dyckman's mother-in-law, was like breathing in deeply of laughing-gas; a skilful dentist could have extracted a molar from her without attracting her attention. And in the vapor of that stupendous temptation the devil actually did extract from her her entire moral code without her noticing the difference.

McTeague merely approving by a growl or a movement of the head or shoulders; she was interested in the displays of some of the cheaper stores, but he found an irresistible charm in an enormous golden molar with four prongs that hung at a corner of Kearney Street.