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"Many's the time I've come round this way, but feared to intrude, or I would have come in, and I'll not now miss the chance another time." This promise seemed to satisfy Moggy, and after a little hesitation she began. "Once I was blithe and gay as any of you dear young people. I had a home, and parents, and sisters.

The wind had gone down altogether, the sea was as smooth as glass, and there was every appearance of a continued calm. "If we could manage it and I think we may then the sooner the affair is brought to an issue the better." Moggy had now taken a musket on her shoulder, and was pacing up and down the edge of the flat in imitation of a sentry.

The light streaming through the window fell on a low pallet, on which, covered with a sheet, lay the form of Mountain Moggy. By her side sat Jenny Davis, whom William recognised as her champion who had threatened him and his companions with condign punishment if they ever again attacked the old woman. Something dreadful was going to happen William scarcely knew what.

"Ay, ay, that's all very well; but you'll tell another story when you're all before the authorities." "Perhaps I shall," replied Moggy, carelessly. "But I shall now wish you a good evening, Mr Vanslyperken." Thereupon Mr Vanslyperken very valorously drew his sword, and flourished it over his head. "You don't pass here, Mrs Salisbury. No no it's my turn now."

A piercing shriek, however, betrayed the state of her feelings as the boat was swept violently round by George to avoid a point of rock. As they were now drawing near to the spot where it was proposed that they should picnic, Jacky suddenly became alive to the fact that in his interest about old Moggy he had been betrayed into a forgetfulness of his opportunities. No time was to be lost.

As sure as I stand here, if you dare to lay a finger on my Jemmy, I'll kill the brute wherever I find him, and make him into saussingers, just for the pleasure of eating him. I'll send you a pound as a present. You marine, don't be a fool I can walk forward without your hofferin' your arm, and be damned to you." So saying, Moggy stalked forward, and joined the men on the forecastle.

But there was one person to whom he determined to apply for advice before he decided how to proceed, and that was Moggy Salisbury, who had given her address to him when she had gone on board the Yungfrau. To her house he therefore repaired, and found her at home. It was then about nine o'clock in the evening.

So he got ready for the move by selling off his little bit of live stock, all except Rory, the old black pony, who had a very large head and a white face like a grotesque mask, and with whom he would not have parted on the most tempting terms. As for his great-aunt Moggy, when she heard of this arrangement, she resigned herself to her fate, which was obviously the Union away at Moynalone.

The illustration, it occurred to him, might possibly strike Moggy as irreverent, and the worthy father paused, and, with upturned eyes, murmured a Latin ejaculation, crossing himself; and having thus reasserted his clerical character, he proceeded to demonstrate the uselessness of his going.

Moggy was astonished at the sight of the gold Jacobus, which she took up and examined as Nancy departed. "Well," thought she, "but this smuggling must be a pretty consarn; and as sure as gold is gold, my Jemmy shall be a smuggler." Nancy turned down the street, and passed rapidly on, until she was clear of the fortifications, in the direction of South Sea Beach.