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Another proof that he was a native of the universal country was apparent in the fact of his knowing no other Italian words than the terms used in music, and which like the "goddam" of Figaro, served all possible linguistic requirements. "Allegro!" he called out to the postilions at every ascent. "Moderato!" he cried as they descended.

Late in July it began with the short rasps and screeches of tiny hoppers flitting in the grass; the katydid began to tune up on the evening of July 29. Then the long-legged conductor waved his baton and the orchestra was off. It started moderato, but quickly increased to an allegro, and sometimes it is almost presto.

No wise trainer ever allows his charges to go on a racing track and at once run a hundred yards at the highest possible speed. Such a course would be against all sound knowledge and all the best experience. Hence the question of piano and forte practice answers itself; the singer should never begin any exercise forte, but either piano or moderato as to which depends on the individual.

On the back of half a dozen I find written, So, so, and no more and upon a couple Moderato; by which, as far as one may gather from Altieri's Italian dictionary, but mostly from the authority of a piece of green whipcord, which seemed to have been the unravelling of Yorick's whip-lash, with which he has left us the two sermons marked Moderato, and the half dozen of So, so, tied fast together in one bundle by themselves, one may safely suppose he meant pretty near the same thing.

Ep. 1, 6, 15: Insani sapiens nomen ferat, aequus iniqui, ultra quam satis est virtutem si petat ipsam. V. Castrorum. This word is used to express whatever pertains to military life, education, &c., as the context may require. Every Roman youth who aspired to civil office, must have a military education. Diligenti ac moderato.

She turned away and threw herself down on the floor in front of the tree and buried her face in her hands bursting into tears. It was Christmas morning and she was all alone. Words by Music by CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY. ALSOP LEFFINGWELL. Moderato. The Stars look down On David's town, While angels sing in Winter night; The shepherds pray, And far away, The Wise Men follow Guiding light.

Some of the more recent Russian symphonies are charged with buoyant joyousness. And, indeed, the burden of sadness clearly distinguishes the last symphony of Tschaikowsky from its two predecessors, the Fourth and the Fifth. The tune of the valse, Allegro moderato, is first played by the violins, dolce con grazia, with accompanying strings, horns and bassoon.

The beginning of the work is marked moderato, later, as the brass comes in, the movement is quickened and becomes andante maestro. Most of the time the moderato was interpreted as an allegro, and the andante maestro as a simple moderato.