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It's exactly what I'm going to do! This smart from Whitehall hasn't got a corner in notions yet, Coombes." The room was a large and lofty one, and had been used by a former tenant as a studio. The toplights had been roofed over by Sir Lucien, however, but the raised platform, approached by two steps, which had probably been used as a model's throne, was a permanent fixture of the apartment.

It is the beauty, not of large lines and harmonies, beauty residing in the real model's forms, beauty real, wholesale, which would be the same if the man were not marble but flesh, not in a given position but moving; but it is a beauty of combinations of light and surface, a beauty of texture opposed to texture, which would probably be unperceived in the presence of the more regal beauty of line and colour harmonies, and which those who could obtain this latter would employ only as much as they were conducive to such larger beauties.

Putting himself into the little model's place gave him but small delight. Making due allowance for the sentiment men naturally import into their appreciation of the lives of women, his conception of her place was doubtless not so very wrong.

Headless and armless though he be, he displays as much vitality as the Peruvians; every inch of the body is alive, and one may well marvel at the skill of the artist who, during his interminable task of sculpture, held fast the model's fleeting outline so fleeting, at that particular age of life, that every month, and every week, brings about new conditions of surface and texture.

Rapidly, then, she made her way to the grey street in Bayswater where Cecilia had told her that the girl now lived. The tall, gaunt landlady admitted her. "Have you a Miss Barton lodging here?" Bianca asked. "Yes," said the landlady, "but I think she's out." She looked into the little model's room. "Yes," she said; "she's out; but if you'd like to leave a note you could write in here.

Thyme paused to pencil in a sketch of the little model's profile.... "She had on a really pretty frock, quite simple and well made it must have cost three or four pounds. She can't be so very badly off, or somebody gave it her...." And again Thyme paused. "She looked ever so much prettier in it than she used to in her old brown skirt, I thought .... Uncle Hilary came to dinner last night.

While the sculptor in order to assure himself of the accuracy of his work was measuring his model's limbs with wooden compasses and lengths of tape, the sound of chariot-wheels was heard at the gate of the palace, and soon after the yelping of the Graces. Doris called to the dogs to be quiet and another high-pitched woman's voice mingled with hers.

I watched for the effect of this sudden change of programme, when it should reach the calm stillness of the Model's interior apprehension, as a boy watches for the splash of a stone which he has dropped into a well.

It is impossible to give vitality to the painting of any head unless the artist has nature before him; this is why no true judge of pictures was ever deceived as to the difference between an original and a copy. It stands to reason that in every picture of a head, howsoever the model's features may be idealised, Nature's own handiwork and mastery must dominate.

"And where are you living now?" he said in tones incorporating these feelings. "I'm not to tell you." "Oh, very well. Keep yourself to yourself." The little model's lower lip drooped more than ever. There were dark marks beneath her eyes; her face was altogether rather pinched and pitiful. "Won't you tell me any news?" she said in her matter-of-fact voice. The old butler gave a strange grunt.