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We hove to in the woods again, Mizza snaring rabbit and building a lodge and keepin' fire agoin' and carin' for me as if I deserved it. There I lay water-logged, odd's man blind as a mole till the spring thaws came. Then Mizza an' me built a raft; for sez I to Miz, though she didn't understand: 'Miz, sez I, 'water don't flow uphill!

"Mizza snared rabbits and I stole back my musket when we ran away and did some shooting long as powder lasted " "And then?" "And then we used bow and arrow. We hid in the bush till the hostiles quit cruisin'; but the spring storms caught us when we started for the coast. I s'pose I'm a better sailor on water than land, for split me for a herring if my eyes didn't go blind from snow!

As they were going out Jack slipped back from the hallway to the fireplace, leaving Mizza outside. "Ramsay?" "Yes?" "You think it's it's all right?" "What?" "What I done about a mate?" "Right?" I reiterated. "Here's my hand to you blessing on the voyage, Captain Jack Battle!" "Ah," smiled Jack, "you've been to the wilderness you understand! Other folks don't! That is the way it happens out there!"

I'm tebbly out spirits. Where shall we all go to? I dinn't think there was great a man on earth z Mizza Meadows. But the worlz wide. His Jew's eye went through our lill sgeme like a gimlet. 'Fools! says he that's me and Meadows, 'these dodges were used up in our family before Lunnun was built. Fools! Mizza Levi despises me and Meadows; and I respect him accordingly.

That is the sorrow of rifted lives the dark between, on each side the thoughts that yearn. "And and," Jack was stammering on, "I thought, perhaps, Mistress Rebecca 'd be willing to stand by Mizza," nodding to the young squaw, "that is, if you asked Rebecca," pleaded Jack. "We'll see," said I. For the New England conscience was something to reckon with! "How did you come here?" I asked.

"Yes," says Rebecca, with downcast lids. "That Indian girl came and untied Jack's bonds the night of the massacre. They escaped together. When he went snow-blind, Mizza hunted and snared for him and kept him. Her people were all dead; she could not go back to her tribe if Jack had left her in the north, the hostiles would have killed her. Jack brought her home with him "