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At last it came to this, that the young Wardour, that was Red-hand's son, challenged Misticot to fight with him in the lists as they ca'd them that's no lists or tailor's runds and selvedges o' claith, but a palin'-thing they set up for them to fight in like game-cocks.

Wha kens whals listening! Eh! gude guide us, what's yon! Hout, it's just a branch of ivy flightering awa frae the wa'; when the moon was in, it lookit unco like a dead man's arm wi' a taper in't I thought it was Misticot himsell. But never mind, work you away fling the earth weel up by out o' the gate Od, if ye're no as clean a worker at a grave as Win Winnet himsell!

Ruth, and frankly confessing that he could not resist the opportunity of decoying the adept once more to visit the tomb of Misticot, with the purpose of taking a comic revenge upon him for his quackery.

But an ye'll sit down wi' me a while in the wood, I'se satisfy your honour that ye hae just lighted on the only man in the country that could hae tauld about Malcolm Misticot and his hidden treasure But first we'll rub out the letters on this board, for fear it tell tales."

"Then how," said Oldbuck, "should Sir Arthur have come there unless the German had brought him?" "Umph!" answered Edie drily. "I had a story about Misticot wad hae brought him forty miles, or you either. Besides, it was to be thought he would be for visiting the place he fand the first siller in he ken'd na the secret o' that job.

But an ye'll sit down wi' me a while in the wood, I'se satisfy your honour that ye hae just lighted on the only man in the country that could hae tauld about Malcolm Misticot and his hidden treasure But first we'll rub out the letters on this board, for fear it tell tales."

Dustanshovel; for I maun fairly tell ye, there's reports that auld Misticot walks. Now this wad be an uncanny night to meet him in, and wha kens if he wad be ower weel pleased wi' our purpose of visiting his pose?" "Alle guten Geister" muttered the adept, the rest of the conjuration being lost in a tremulous warble of his voice, "I do desires you not to speak so, Mr.

Ruth, and frankly confessing that he could not resist the opportunity of decoying the adept once more to visit the tomb of Misticot, with the purpose of taking a comic revenge upon him for his quackery.

Aweel, Misticot was beaten, and at his brother's mercy but he wadna touch his life, for the blood of Knockwinnock that was in baith their veins: so Malcolm was compelled to turn a monk, and he died soon after in the priory, of pure despite and vexation.

Wha kens whals listening! Eh! gude guide us, what's yon! Hout, it's just a branch of ivy flightering awa frae the wa'; when the moon was in, it lookit unco like a dead man's arm wi' a taper in't I thought it was Misticot himsell. But never mind, work you away fling the earth weel up by out o' the gate Od, if ye're no as clean a worker at a grave as Win Winnet himsell!