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"I know your name, all right," she declared. "You're that Mister Fresh we hear so much about giving introductions to parties you ain't met yourself." Wilbur Cowan blushed for Spike's faux pas, looking to see him slink off abashed, but there were things he had yet to learn about his friend. "Just for that," said Spike, "I'll take this dance with you."

"You have, indeed. How is the equipment being brought in?" "By mule teams. I reckon, too, that they will have a fine tune getting in here on the trail that leads to the Dusenbery Company's works above our section and " "I say, Mister Lieutenant, do I understand ye to say that a pa'cel of lumberjacks is comin' here?" interrupted Joe Shafto. "Yes." "Then I quits right now.

She took a deep breath and tried to maintain a supercilious dignity. "You certainly have been repressing your hatred of me, mister. I for one am certainly glad that you have had your little catharsis." She feigned a smile and spoke weakly. "Please! Leave me and my imagined sickness. You are hurting my head." "I don't hate you. I love you. I sleep in the same bed with you."

Cæsar had risen to his feet, and in a moment the house was in an uproar. Ross lifted his head like a cock. "Were you speaking to me, mister?" he asked. "I was, and don't demane yourself like that again," said Cæsar. "Like what?" said Ross. "Paying coort to a girl that isn't fit for you." Ross lifted his hat, "Do you mean this young lady?"

"Mister," said he, as he approached the detective, "ef ye go to the park, you won't find the man yer arter, that's a dead sure thing." "What do you mean?" asked Manning with some surprise. "I means as how the boss of the saloon yonder has lied to ye, that's all." "What makes you think so?" "Bekase I passed the man ye wor askin' about three days ago, on the road to Helena."

"'There ain't no such country, says the man, 'you mean Sweden, he says, and my Pa says, 'I means just what I say, he says. "And the man looks at him and he says, 'Mister Duggan, he says, 'is an Irishman. "'With er name like that, says my Pa, 'imposserble. 'Sides I never heard of Irishmen. What country do they come from? and, honest, my Pa never batted an eyelid.

"I am Aleck Webster's father," said the voice, in answer to Marcy's question. "Ben Hawkins sent me here to show you the way to our camp." "When did you see Hawkins?" inquired Marcy. "This afternoon; and he told me that the Home Guards were likely to drive you away from home to-night. It's all right, Mister Marcy." Webster's side.

In the midst of them kwit! kwit! and with a thunder of wings a grouse whirred away, wild and gray as the rare bird that lived there years before. And when I questioned a hunter, he said: "That ol' beech pa'tridge? Oh, yes, he's there. He'll stay there, too, till he dies of old age; 'cause you see, Mister, there ain't nobody in these parts spry enough to ketch 'im."

He glanced at the car, behind it and in front, coming back to the depressed male individual before him. "Yes, ma'am, I'll get you out, all right. Sure, I will." "We've been stalled here for an hour or more," volunteered the depressed one. "We was right behind the storm. Looked a sorry chance that anybody would come along for the next week or so." "Mister, you're a godsend, if ever there was one.

As he did not recognize me I thought I would have a little fun with him, and after introducing my polish, I produced a small book containing the names of my patrons at Brainerd, and said: "Mister, I have here the names of those who have been buying, which I will read, to show you that it is an article of value and one that is appreciated by almost every housekeeper."