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Not only did reports stream in that already the Order was beginning its work and that already broken communications were being re-established, that devoted missioners were in process of organising themselves, and that hope was once more rising in the most desperate hearts; but better than all this was the tidings of victory in another sphere.

Of all that the head of the order of missioners said on this occasion this impressed little Willy most, and when the celebration was over the small acolyte went to Father Somazzo and said: "Father, the Apostolic Prefect said that the cross on the cathedral could be seen from all the ships that come into the harbor. From the cross can you see all the ships?" "Yes, certainly, Willy," he answered.

I am so little endued with the qualities which are requisite for such a charge, and am so sensible that this is true, through God's mercy, that I may reasonably hope, that, instead of reposing on me the care of others, you will repose on others the care of me." He infinitely esteemed those missioners who were his seconds; and accounted his own pains for nothing, in comparison of theirs.

The "Most Reverend Cardinal Cibo," writing in the name of the Sacred College, complained that the "pernicious and abominable abuse of slave-selling" was carried on under the eyes of the missioners, and peremptorily ordered them to remedy the evil.

Five days after leaving Tours, the missioners arrived in Paris, and were at first lodged near the house of the professed Jesuits, whence they afterwards removed to the Ursuline house of St. Jacques, where, as the Venerable Mother remarks, "they found themselves once more in their element."

While they were fitting out the ship, which was to carry the missioners of China and Japan, Xavier assembled the fathers of the college by night, not being able to do it by day, because they were in continual employment till the evening.

And he took this way, not only because hardened and scandalous offenders, such as Don Alvarez, ought to incur a public dishonour, by that means to induce them to a serious consideration of their own estate, and that others might take warning by them; but also, that succeeding governors might fear, by the example of his punishment, to set themselves in opposition to any intended voyage of the missioners, who should be sent hereafter to the Moluccas, Japan, or any other places.

The reputation of her zeal had even reached New France, whence she received urgent petitions from the missioners to hasten, to the aid of their dear converts. These appeals, some of them traced on bark by saintly men who soon were to water with their blood, the land blessed by their labours, she kissed reverentially and bedewed with her tears.

Before he went on board, he wrote to Father Paul de Camerine at Goa, that when the fathers of the society, who were daily expected from Portugal, should arrive, two of those new missioners should accompany the princes of Jafanatapan, whensoever the Portuguese should think fit to re-establish the lawful king.

In what condition he found the town, and what he did in order to reform it. He labours with success at Malacca. He revives a dead maid. He receives letters from Europe by the new missioners who are sent him. He defers the voyage to Macassar, and designs another. He foreknows, and foretels the ruin of Malacca. He goes to Amboyna, and what happens to him in his voyage.