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On one occasion, when that dear, good missionary, Reverend John Semmens, who had gone with me, as together we had lovingly supplied his wants, said to him: "Now, beloved Memotas, can we do anything else for you? Do you want anything more?" "O, no," replied Memotas; "I want nothing but Christ. More of Christ."

Then added, "We make them. Our God," looking up, "He make us." After Mr. Mills arrived in New Haven he became a friend of Mr. Dwight's, and being often in his room, occasionally heard this boy recite. He became greatly attached to him, and began to cherish a plan for his future. He wanted to see Obookiah a Christian, educated, and then a missionary to his native land. One evening Mr.

Her eyes had been following the group of horsemen on the plains. She again fixed them on Pierre, and stood up. "It is a beautiful legend that," she said. "But? but?" he asked. She would not answer him. "You will come again," she said; "you will help me?" "Surely, p'tite Lucille, surely, I will come. But to help ah, that would sound funny to the Missionary at the Fort and to others!"

God withdrew the bolts of hindrance and said, "Beloved, I have set before you an open door." Our faith is in Him who also said "Ask, and ye shall receive." A friend has just sent us eighteen subscriptions to the American Missionary. This might be repeated easily by a thousand friends.

With that brave heart and resolute spirit characteristic of her whole missionary career, for a time she gave herself to the duties of the mission and bore her full share of its anxieties and toils. But gradually she was constrained to recognise that her active work was over. From the first she had thrown herself whole-heartedly into missionary Service.

The length of time which our dear brother had spent in the missionary field, the extensive tours he had taken, the acquaintances and connections he had formed, and the knowledge he had acquired of the state of men and things in all the Levant, had well qualified him to act as our counselor and guide; while his personal endowments gave him a weight of character, sensibly felt by the natives.

I am to drive the missionary to-day. He goes to the Delaware line once more." "Ha! The Delawares!" sneered old Fire-Flower. "I like not those Delawares. They worship idols. It is not good to dance around idols." "Not good," again echoed Fish-Carrier. "Still the Delawares are not really bad people," said Wampum.

These, after being looted, were all consigned to the flames, as also the missionary dwellings, among which was that of David Livingstone, with his furniture, books, and belongings.

Nevertheless, we cannot but feel that he was himself, in the truest sense of the word, a missionary, and that the Earl of Harrowby did not at all exaggerate the truth when he said about Gordon, after his death:

Here is the mightiest, the widest, the most fruitful, the most abundant, the most prolific, missionary field that was ever opened to any Christian people. It is right here at your doors. It is not across the Pacific Ocean and it is not down yonder around the Cape of Good Hope.