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Street meetings have been constantly held, visitors received on the boat, the gospel preached from the Mission-boat to the people sitting on the banks of the river, and also proclaimed to the people in their homes, in the villages, and in the fields, and on the fishing stations. Although there were but two baptisms during the year the congregation numbers fifty-one."

I thought it was a strange thing I should be glad to have a missionary; but, if it was strange, it was still true. “Uma,” said I, “you stop here in this room, and don’t budge a foot out of it till I come back.” As I came out on the verandah, the mission-boat was shooting for the mouth of the river.

The mission-boat once again conveyed him from headquarters to the scene of his former discomfiture, and, when close to the beach, where the natives awaited the landing of the party with warlike demonstrations, he slipped out of his clothes into the water and swam ashore the Bible, in the native tongue, being tied carefully on the top of his head to keep it dry.

Abè, at the Quop Station, for I was too often away in the mission-boat with the Bishop to keep them at the mission-house. This was not until 1865, however. Poor Mildred felt parting with "her girls," as she called them, very much, and often said, "Mamma, if Sarah and Fanny might come back we would never, never quarrel any more."

I thought it was a strange thing I should be glad to have a missionary; but, if it was strange, it was still true. "Uma," said I, "you stop here in this room, and don't budge a foot out of it till I come back." As I came out on the verandah, the mission-boat was shooting for the mouth of the river.

Early on the last morning in March we roused the Kru-men; they were eager as ourselves to leave the "bush," and there was no delay in loading and the mission-boat. Forteune, Azizeh, and Asunye were there to bid me God-speed, and Hotaloya did not fail to supply a fine example of Mpongwe irresolution.

On my way I met a boatman, a valued comrade on many a rough day in the mission-boat. Breathless with haste, he could at first only say, 'Come on, sir, quick! Come on; there's a man been seen running to and fro on the Goodwins! Seeing that immediate help was needed, it appeared that the coxswain of the lifeboat proposed signalling a passing tug-boat, and wanted my sanction for the measure.