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Aux gens atrabilaires Pour exemple donne, En un temps de miseres Roger-Bontemps est ne. Vivre obscur a sa guise, Narguer les mecontens: Eh gai! c'est la devise Du gros Roger-Bontemps. Du chapeau de son pere Coiffe dans le grands jours, De roses ou de lierre Le rajeunir toujours; Mettre un manteau de bure, Vieil ami de vingt ans; Eh gai! c'est la parure Du gros Roger-Bontemps.

The sturdy gentleman preferred his oppressed prince to the royal favor, and set himself to immortalizing the misfortunes of his country in the superb series of etchings which he called "Les Misères de la Guerre." He made six little plates showing in the life of the soldier the misery he both endures and inflicts upon others.

These were the first free inspiration of the incomparable later set called "Les Grandes Misères," "a veritable poem," M. Meaume declares, "a funeral ode describing and deploring the sorrows of Lorraine."

"Only there is a point when ill-temper becomes not only tormenting to me but degrading to herself.... Oh, if you only knew!" the speaker drew an indignant breath. "I can hardly bring myself to speak of such misères. But everything excites her, everything makes her jealous. It is a grievance that I should have a new dress, that Mr.

Her books, Le Livre de Misères and Prise de Possession, were not procurable by me, and I had to depend upon Ossip Zetkin's sketch of her in Charakterköpfen aus der französischen Arbeiterbewegung, pp. 40-48, Berlin, 1893, and the Volkslexikon, l. c. Her career shows the unselfishness and self-sacrifice with which Louise Michel carried out her ideas.

I could not, exactly, go round asking people to "pity the sorrows of a disappointed lover!" As Lamartine sings in his "Tear of Consolation": "Qu'importe a ces hommes mes freres Le coeur brise d'un malheureux? Trop au-dessus de mes miseres, Mon infortune est si loin d'eux!" How could I implore sympathy? Would you have given me yours?

Lamartine has comprehended nothing, that is clear, even if his amount of energy had been effectual.... Yes, do send me the list of Balzac, after 'Les Misères de la Vie Conjugale, I mean. I left him in the midst of 'La Femme de Soixante Ans, who seemed on the point of turning the heads of all 'la jeunesse' around her; and, after all, she did not strike me as so charming.

And when posterity says, 'He wrote "Splendeurs et Miseres des Courtisanes," "Le Pere Goriot," "Les Parents Pauvres," and "Les Treize," the Academie will answer: 'Yes, but he went on a journey."

In fact, the conviction that the world and man is something that had better not have been, is of a kind to fill us with indulgence towards one another. Nay, from this point of view, we might well consider the proper form of address to be, not Monsieur, Sir, mein Herr, but my fellow-sufferer, Socî malorum, compagnon de miseres!

Its next appearance was signed, in 1834, in a two-volume edition of Ollivier. Petites Miseres de la Vie Conjugale is not dated. Its composition was achieved piecemeal, beginning shortly after its predecessor appeared. But it was not till long after in 1845-46 that its present two-part form was published in a single octavo volume by Chlendowski.