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And then I quoted as solemnly as I was able a verse that I had often before fitted to the chorus of the breakers: But yet the Lord, that is on high, Is more of might by far Than noise of many waters is, Or great sea-billows are. "Ay," said my kinsman, "at the hinder end, the Lord will triumph; I dinna misdoobt that. But here on earth, even silly men-folk daur Him to His face.

"I misdoobt if a mere man could see ane clearly and conteenue in the body. I hae sailed wi' a lad they ca'd him Sandy Gabart; he saw ane, shüre eneuch, an' shüre eneuch it was the end of him. We were seeven days oot frae the Clyde a sair wark we had had gaun north wi' seeds an' braws an' things for the Macleod.

"She wantit me to get the puir laird to gang back till her; but I sair misdoobt, for a' her fine words, it 's a closed door, gien it bena a lid, she wad hae upon him; an' I wad suner be hangt nor hae a thoom i' that haggis." "Why should you doubt what a lady tells you?" "I wadna be ower ready, but I hae hard things, ye see, an' bude to be upo' my gaird."

An' I sair misdoobt gin mony o' them 'at pat it in her heid wad do as muckle. I'm some feared they're like Paul afore he was convertit: he wadna lift a stane himsel', but he likit weel to stan' oot by an' luik on. A deep sigh, almost a groan, from the bed, reminded them that they were talking too much and too loud for a sick-room. It was followed by the words, muttered, but articulate,

'Thus far shalt thou go, said I, 'and no farther. And then I quoted as solemnly as I was able a verse that I had often before fitted to the chorus of the breakers: But yet the Lord that is on high, Is more of might by far, Than noise of many waters is, As great sea billows are. 'Ay, said my kinsinan, 'at the hinder end, the Lord will triumph; I dinnae misdoobt that.

"Hoo cud it hae been," he asked after a brief pause, "that Bruce didna fa' upo' this, as weel's you, Mr Cupples, or didna scart it oot?" "'Cause 'twas written in Latin. The body hadna the wit to misdoobt the contents o' 't. It said naething till him, and he never thoucht it cud say onything aboot him." "It's a fine thing to be a scholar, Mr Cupples." "Ay, whiles."

'I misdoobt if a mere man could see ane clearly and conteenue in the body. I hae sailed wi' a lad they ca'd him Sandy Gabart; he saw ane, shure eneueh, an' shure eneueh it was the end of him. We were seeven days oot frae the Clyde a sair wark we had had gaun north wi' seeds an' braws an' things for the Macleod.

'But, granny! hoo ever Betty, no to say you, cud hae driven oot a puir half-stervit cratur like Shargar, even supposin' he oucht to hae been in coaties, and no in troosers and the mither o' him run awa' an' left him it's mair nor I can unnerstan. I misdoobt me sair but he's gane and droont himsel'.