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Marshall's surprise, Collie struck Apache, who was behaving, smartly with the whip. Apache leaped forward, bringing Boyar down to his feet again. The doctor would have been inclined to strike Boyar for misbehaving. He saw Collie's wisdom and smiled. To have punished Boyar when already on his hind feet would have been folly.

"But he hasn't improved," said her hostess; "it's no use growing older if you only learn new ways of misbehaving yourself." Mrs.

They raised their noble heads and bestowed upon me a look of haughty and disdainful wonder, such a look as one might bestow upon a misbehaving lackey, all save Vilmorin, who, with a coward's keen nose for danger, turned slightly pale and fidgeted in his chair. I was well known to all of them, but my attitude forbade all greeting. "Has M. de Luynes lost anything?" St. Auban inquired icily.

I must say he does his work for me up to the handle. Look at that for a shine"; and he exhibited one of his boots to the crowd. "I wonder if he can fight?" said Saunders, changing his tactics. "He's a well-built chap, and I'd like to see what he can do. How can we get him to fight if we can't haul him up for misbehaving?"

Some shear very fairly and handsomely to a superficial eye, but commit the unpardonable offence of "leaving wool on." Some are deceitful, shearing carefully when overlooked, but "racing" and otherwise misbehaving directly the eye of authority is diverted.

Your darter Judith is what I call a misbehaving young woman, and the hold of the whole family on me is so much weakened by her late conduct, that it wouldn't take a speech as long as the ten commandments to send me off to the river, leaving you and your traps, your Ark and your children, your man servants and your maid servants, your oxen and your asses, to fight this battle with the Iroquois by yourselves.

In any case, they insist that Christianity as a whole is not impeached. Assume that Austria was dragged into the war by Germany, and you have four Christian nations five, if one includes Serbia behaving with great gallantry and entire propriety, and only one Christian nation misbehaving.

Before we can get outside the city limits we are arrested for passing a pedestrian on the sidewalk. I resolve to be more careful. The next time I am on a bicycle it is night-time and my acetylene-gas-lamp is misbehaving. I cherish the sickly flame carefully, because of the ordinance. I am in a hurry, but I ride at a snail's pace so as not to jar out the flickering flame.

Kendricks nodded. "Whatever has done it has done a good thing. She gave you your conge quite calmly, didn't she?" "Absolutely," Julien admitted. "She brushed me away as though I had been a misbehaving fly." "After all," Kendricks said, "you were of the same kidney a prig of the first water, you know, Julien. I am never tired of telling you so, am I? Never mind, it's good for you.

"I have the honour to salute you," I said aloud. "I make my apologies for misbehaving with sandwiches and camp-stools in your presence, Madame d'Armand." Something in my own pronunciation of her name struck me as reminiscent: save for the prefix, it had sounded like "Harman," as a Frenchman might pronounce it. Foreign names involve the French in terrible difficulties.